I’m an Account Executive at a Global Company: Here’s How I Excel at My Job

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Diana Ignagni

Photo courtesy of Continental.

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July 26, 2024 at 11:39PM UTC

It’s not a big secret why, in a historically male-dominated industry, women love working at Continental, a global 150-year company. It has everything to do with the exhaustive benefits — from flexible work options and the Women@Work mentorship program to top-notch support for working mothers, wellness programs, paid time off to volunteer and more. 

Continental strives to create a culture that’s both attractive to and supportive of women. And they do just that. In fact, the company has been recognized for its diversity and inclusion initiatives by Forbes as one of America’s Best Workplaces for Women.

“I would love to see more women in the industrial/manufacturing world, as our role here can offer different insights and knowledge to make it even more dynamic,” says Diana Ignagni, who has been an account executive within Continental’s Industry business area for over seven years. “The industrial world is the start of what most people use and buy in their everyday lives, and we get to be a part of that process. Exciting things are made and developed every day, and the people in this industry are more committed than any other industry I have been a part of in the past.” 

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation.

Ignagni manages two of the company’s largest distributors in Canada, looking after their corporate plans and marketing and training programs. Ultimately, she is responsible for growing Continental’s sales through various initiatives.  

We caught up with Ignagni to talk more about her day-to-day work, as well as all the most exciting and challenging aspects of her role. Here’s what she had to say.

How do you start your day? Is there anything special you do to prepare for the day?

No one day is the same, which makes the role interesting and dynamic. Most days start with a recap of the day before and making sure all actions items for the day are itemized by priority.

What is your normal day-to-day life like at work? 

Day-to-day activities include making regular calls to my customers (partners, as we like to call them), and ensuring action items and targets are on track. I also provide intel on products and how to sell them in our market.

What do you find most rewarding and challenging about your work?

The reward is finding solutions, whether it comes from finding the right product or implementing a plan that has been executed with success — resulting in real growth metrics.

How do you prioritize and deal with your to-do list each day?

Every action item is important but, certainly, when there are timelines given to certain projects like training, those get looked after first, and everything else gets placed accordingly on a perfect day. Certainly, perfect days might not happen often, but the goal is to try and get there as much as possible.

Do you have any recent projects or moments at work that you are particularly proud of?

My entire job is an evolving project, and the one goal that I have fully accomplished is in the level of trust I have built between my partners and myself. I am very proud of my success in nurturing my business relationships.

What are you trying to improve on?

I am always trying to learn better ways on how to communicate, gain more product knowledge and make my partners great at what they do.

Let’s talk about Continental’s company culture. What’s your favorite aspect of it, and how does Continental help you succeed?

The culture is very open. Continental gives you the freedom to explore your own role and challenges you to make important decisions. You can be involved at the ground level to shape your own business.

What kinds of boundaries have you established to separate work and home life?

I have created a workspace in my home that is separate and, when the time comes to shutting it down, I don’t go back. The work-life balance at Continental has always been promoted and encouraged.

What’s your go-to stress-relief activity or routine? 

It’s been challenging the last 18 months, but what keeps me happy and going are walks around the lake, time with family and friends and Netflix.


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