3 Tips for Excelling in a Hybrid or Remote Role and the Importance of Risk in Career Growth

Sponsored by Jack Henry

Emily Saltsgaver. Photo courtesy of Jack Henry.

Emily Saltsgaver. Photo courtesy of Jack Henry.

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Updated: 11/21/2023

“Don’t be afraid to fail.” 

That’s the most impactful advice that Emily Saltsgaver, Strategic Program Manager at Jack Henry™, has ever received. “Often, the risks I have taken have been the things that I am most invested in and my proudest achievements,” Saltsgaver tells us. “When I can accept the risk of failing and still take action toward the goal I want to achieve, that’s when I experience the most growth.”

As for how Saltsgaver cultivated this approach to life, she tells us that she credits her parents for cultivating a safe environment and encouraging their children to explore what they love to do. “That has stuck with me, and it is something I try to share with others,” Saltsgaver states. “When we feel safe enough to take these risks, there is a huge opportunity to gain experience and build resilience.”

Another key piece of advice Saltsgaver utilizes in her daily life? “Do what you say you’re going to do,” emphasizes Saltsgaver. She learned this from a former mentor and tries to put it into practice on a daily basis. “If I commit to something, I will do my best to honor that commitment,” she elaborates. “I want others to see me as dependable and someone who they can count on when they need it.”

One key part of fulfilling this advice — particularly in a hybrid or remote environment — is to actively set and maintain boundaries. For Saltsgaver, this involves proactively managing her schedule and optimizing her focus time. Additionally, “a friend of mine suggested identifying not only time, but energy,” notes Saltsgaver. “I have taken an inventory of what helps me recharge energy versus what takes energy. It was a great drill to see that it is not always time that I need; sometimes, I need to do more things that re-energize me. Focusing on the things that are most important and not overcommitting are skills I am more comfortable with than I used to be.”

Want more tips and tricks for excelling as a remote or hybrid worker, as well as an inside look at Jack Henry’s supportive culture? Read on…

To begin, can you tell us a bit about your job and day-to-day life?

I have been with Jack Henry for over 23 years and recently transitioned to a new role as a Strategic Program Manager in Jack Henry’s Corporate Project Management Office Center of Excellence team. In this role, I work with all areas of the company, and we focus on strategic programs that impact the entire organization

With much of my experience being in leadership and professional writing, I use these skills when reviewing business cases, assisting with communication planning, and facilitating project activities. Day-to-day, I could be writing, collaborating with teams, researching, or contributing on other corporate initiatives, such as our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) efforts. I currently serve on the Jack Henry DEIB Advisory Council and am passionate about helping others grow and building a diverse culture at Jack Henry. Every day is different and brings a new challenge.

From your own experience, what are your top three tips for excelling in a hybrid or remote job?

  1. Have a dedicated workspace.

    • Having a space for my work keeps boundaries in place that can otherwise become blurred. I rarely go to my home office unless I am working, and I shut the door at the end of the workday. This helps me keep work within the confines of a set time and space and prevents me from working when it is my personal time.

  2. Set routines for before and after work.

    • I like having a set routine each morning because it keeps me on a schedule. I also take a lunch break and go for a walk or to my studio at the end of the day. Having these routines helps me create normalcy and space in my day to prepare and unwind after work.

  3. Be intentional about connecting with others.

    • I am naturally an introvert, so I have found that I need to be intentional about scheduling time to connect with others. I schedule time for networking, and I usually have my camera on for meetings. Additionally, when I work in the office, I do a little extra planning to network in person with as many folks as I can if that is an option.

Companies also play a major role in supporting hybrid and remote employees. Could you describe how Jack Henry’s hybrid/remote work policies positively impact employees?

Our remote work policy is one of our greatest benefits. Employees have the option to work in an office full-time (if they are close to an office location), work hybrid, or work fully remote. The flexibility that this offers enables employees to pick what works best for their individual needs. For employees balancing the demands of raising children, caring for loved ones, or other life responsibilities, this makes a career at Jack Henry a great option. 

That’s amazing! Can you tell us more about how Jack Henry supports work-life balance?

Jack Henry has an exceptional culture, and I have been blessed to work for leaders here that value family and foster environments that prioritize employee wellbeing and balance. In 2021, when my father was battling terminal cancer, I was able to balance my work while being with my parents when they needed me the most. This flexibility is something that I will always appreciate because I was able to spend my father’s final days with him without worrying about work. 

As a leader of a team during this time, I was open about what was happening in my personal life with my employees. Being able to share this with them also increased their openness and trust in me and our leadership team. 

Looking ahead, what do you see as the future of work?

I believe we will see a tremendous amount of change in the workforce in the coming years. I expect that we will see a generational shift as more boomers retire and millennials and Gen Z workers take their places. I also think that there will be more focus on employee wellbeing and flexibility as employees embrace what they need to thrive to further integrate their careers and personal lives. Companies will need to find a balance that is enticing to employees while providing enough connection to innovate effectively.

Ready to face the future of work with the support of the Jack Henry team? Browse current opportunities at the company via the following link.

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