JK Rowling Has 3 Words For People Who Think You Need to Wake Up at 4 A.M. to be Successful

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Updated: 12/18/2018
Thanks to the likes of Elon Musk, we're consistently being spoon-fed the idea that transcending human levels of health and happiness is the only road to professional success. Well, famed author (and really rich woman) J.K. Rowling has had enough with our society's lack of work-life balance. And as a big fan of, I don't know, normal amounts of sleep and time outside of my office, I can't help but applaud her online ~bravery~. 

When inc. magazine shared a story with a tweet that said "the world's most successful people start their day at 4 a.m.," J.K. Rowling responded with just 3 (poignant) words.

Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

My fellow sleep lovers (or just... people who respect their humanity) showed a lot of support for the snarky comment.

Source: Twitter{{{COMPANY_AD_STANDALONE}}}
Source: Twitter{{{COMPANY_AD_STANDALONE}}}
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
Glad to know you don't need to wake up at 4 A.M. to become internationally acclaimed for your award-winning work. Now, if only J.K. could take a stance on the alleged abusers in her movies...

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