Making a Meaningful Impact: How this Engineer Is Uplifting Women

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Ancy Johnson. Photo courtesy of Cummins.

Ancy Johnson. Photo courtesy of Cummins.

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July 26, 2024 at 4:30PM UTC

Ancy, a VAL/SIM engineer at Cummins, makes uplifting other women a constant priority. “I always want to make sure every other woman is being treated equally and rightfully,” Johnson tells us. “I keep a practice of meeting female colleagues and friends to enquire about their work and life. Being in such conversations has always helped me build my confidence.”  

In order to surround herself with other women and uplift each other, Johnson has joined  groups like the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). Here, “you can meet with other female engineers to share your experience and work together to conduct different events for schools and college students — especially women,” explains Johnson.

As for her day-to-day job, Johnson may be the only woman on her team, but she says her team members always make her feel comfortable with support and feedback. Her days are busy, and she uses the mentorship and sponsorship of those around her to ensure that she’s also constantly learning along the way. 

Ancy Johnson bungee jumping. Photo courtesy of Cummins.

Whether she’s elevating her own career or supporting the careers of others, Johnson emphasizes how important it is to “keep smiling and share your happiness with others!” She knows first-hand that we can support each other as we climb in our own careers.

Here, we caught up with Johnson to learn a little more about her day-to-day work routines, the role of mentorship in her career, and how to lift up other women alongside yourself.

What career move that you made are you most proud of?

Leaving my parents and family in India to come to the U.S. to pursue a Master’s in Aerospace Engineering was the most difficult major decision I’ve made in my life.

How have you grown your career? How have other women and Cummins aided in your career growth?

Different communities like SWE, GOAL, EEEC, and cultural clubs have helped me to grow my leadership and social skills along with technical skills. I was so fortunate to join the Cummins recruiting team to screen candidates for the SWE22 conference in Texas. (In fact, I got my job with Cummins in the SWE21 conference during a similar scenario.) Being a fresh female graduate with a lot of dreams, I was always scared to find a good job amidst a highly skilled group of people; however, Cummins has done great in giving every single person the same level of opportunity and comfort.

Ancy Johnson skydiving. Photo courtesy of Cummins.

What has been the role of mentorship in your career?

I always loved to be guided and supported by others. A great mentor can bring out great skills and confidence from their mentees. I have got great guidance throughout my career from family, college, and my company. This has helped me to channel the opportunities in the right way.

What are your top tips on how other women can help advance the careers of those around them?

  1. Ask for guidance.

  2. Be confident and bold when speaking up for yourself and others.

  3. Get involved with different communities like SWE, which helps to empower women.

  4. Help others.

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