6 Mindfulness Tips to Incorporate Into Your Workday

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Crystal Rhineberger2.33k
professional rofl nevermind lets just wing it
Updated: 8/26/2022
We all know to try to be our own cheerleaders but sometimes it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. What seems to not get enough attention are life lessons surrounding mindfulness.

Try to use these 6 mindfulness tips today to boost your confidence and productivity at work! 

1. Look in the mirror and be kind to yourself.

Be kind about your appearance, be kind about the state of the room reflected. Are you in a positive swing and things are feeling perfect? Applaud yourself, smile, and carry that grace with you.
Are you in a neutral swing where everything is flowing, and nothing has changed? Do it again, smile, applaud yourself, and carry that grace with you.
Are you in a negative swing? Does everything seem to be going wrong? Is there chaos? Has there been a loss? This is the most difficult time to do these actions, look steadily into the mirror, smile the best you can, take notice that you are weathering the storms, and tell yourself this isn't forever but I'm in charge of my actions. And yes, carry that grace with you. 
Those around you will notice that grace and will be influenced by it.

2. Recognize what is happening today doesn't have to be set in stone tomorrow. 

Positives do not always last forever, they can be disrupted by change. Knowing that change may come unannounced, it can take the positive further and be beautiful or it can give you such a ride you aren't even sure how it happened (the pandemic for example). If you have a backup plan and changes are negative it might be time to use parts of the backup plan. Being aware that change helps us notice how we grow, and that also helps reassure the people around us that change offers new potential.

3. Active listening.

This does not mean you have to give up hours for those that love to complain or find fault. If you are careful with active listening you will be able to pull out concerns, provide valid input, and decipher the subtle signals others will send. Some people are more vocal in their day-to-day and that can help key in who might be able to work well with each other.

4. Air grievances by being neutral.

Yes, we have all been there, an impassioned moment of horrible wrong. These things can be a horrible soul-wrenching experience and leave you, participants, and the audience traumatized.
By taking emotions out or at least toning them down by staying neutral you can remain focused on the main cause, and keep the definition of the how and why short. This helps those around involved to understand the main points and leads to less distraction. 

5. Reflect on all positives.

Progress does not always let us see the positives. Taking time to reflect lets you see how far you have come, gives time to notice if all details are being covered, and really reassures you of how valid you are!

6. Remember your co-workers were selected for unique reasons.

Not every co-worker is our bestie, some really don't feel they fit, and some are perfect counterparts. These individuals were hired for their insights and qualifications and are a huge benefit when you can say, "ok that was different and not the way I would go about it but hey great it got results!" We take detours along the way, yet we still get to the location, and now are secure in how to arrive at a place differently.
These actions cost you just a few moments of time, but the results are priceless to let you navigate with confidence and reassurance that the life and work you build are important.
This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.
Crystal is highly experienced in the sales and customer service industries — she has 20 years of experience in both combined. Crystal is currently a bus driver for her school district to help her community. She is always looking to expand her skill set and will be starting business system classes very soon. 

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