Quotes Of The Day


career inspiration


Updated: 12/15/2017
No matter how career-oriented you are, it’s natural to have moments when you’ll feel unmotivated or bored at work.
Instead of just automatically turning to your social media feed, we’ve compiled a list of 52 work quotes to motivate you every single week of the year. Think that’s more quotes than you’ll need? Well, there’s a Chrome app called the “Newsfeed Eradictor for Facebook” that takes things a step further. It’ll replace your entire Facebook newsfeed with an inspiring quote in a bid to return you to productivity.
While we’re all about avoiding social media mistakes, but we think it’s overkill to stop cold-turkey. It’s a lot easier to simply keep this list of 52 quotes handy to inspire you at work throughout the year:

January quotes

Quotes for January

1. “To begin, begin.” -- Williams Wordsworth

2. “Always be a first rate version of yourself instead of being a second rate version of someone else.” -- Judy Garland

3. “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of success is found in your daily routine.” -- John C. Maxwell

4. “The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” -- Amelia Earhart

5. “If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough.” -- Mario Andretti

February quotes

Quotes for February

6. “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” -- Maya Angelou

7. “Don’t count the days. Make the days count.” -- Muhammad Ali

8. “If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.” -- Katharine Hepburn

9. “The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.” - Ernst Hemingway

March quotes

Quotes for March

10. “You must do the things you think you cannot do.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
11. “If you can DREAM it, you can DO it.” -- Walt Disney
12. “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” -- Ayn Rand
13. “If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will get you there.” -- Lewis Carroll

April quotes

Quotes for April

14. “Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t. -- Erica Jong

15. “Make each day your masterpiece.” - John Wooden

16. “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” -- Anais Nin

17. “This too shall pass” - Unknown

May quotes

Quotes for May 

18. “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” -- Coco Chanel
19. “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible” -- Dalai Lama

20. “A committee takes hours to put into minutes what can be done in seconds.” -- Judy Castrina

21. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” - Wayne Gretzky
22. “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before beginning to improve the world.” -- Anne Frank

June quotes

Quotes for June

23. “When everything is going against you, remember that an airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” - Henry Ford
24. “Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputations can never effect a reform.” -- Susan B. Anthony

25. “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” - Proverb

26. “It’s not your job to like me, it’s mine.” -- Byron Katie
 July quotes

Quotes for July 

27. “The difference between a job and a career is the difference between forty and sixty hours a week.” -- Robert Frost
28. “If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.” -- Sheryl Sandberg
29. “It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.” -- Carlton Fisk
30. “I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career. -- Gloria Steinem
31. “Implementation beats oration.” -- Aesop

August quotes

Quotes for August

32. “Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” -- Golda Meir

33. “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein

34. If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.” -- Shirley Chisholm
35. “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” -- Truman Capote

September quotes

Quotes for September 

36. "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” -- Jane Goodall
37. “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” -- Abraham Lincoln
38. “The way you tell your story to yourself matters.” -- Amy Cuddy
39. “Do, or do not. There is no try.” -- Yoda
40. "Buckle up, and know that it’s going to be a tremendous amount of work, but embrace it.” -- Tory Burch

October quotes

Quotes for October

41. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -- Thomas Edison
42. "Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” -- Mary Kay
43. “Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment.”  -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
44. “Power is not given to you. You have to take it.” -- Beyonce

November quotes

Quotes for November

45. “
Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter; long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best.” -- Michael Jordan

46. “I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” -- Estee Lauder

47. “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” - Plato

48. “I’ve learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.” -- Martha Washington

December quotes

Quotes for December

49. “Choose a job that you love and you will never work a day in your life.” -- Confucius
50. “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” -- Oscar Wilde
51. “The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” -- Lilly Tomlin
52. “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose.” -- Dr. Seuss


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