This Is The Rarest Personality Type (Plus, 8 Ways It'll Get You Ahead at Work)

Rarest Personality Types: 8 Reasons Being an INFJ Is an Advantage


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Updated: 1/4/2021

It’s a question that, at some point, has likely come up over happy hour: what’s your Myers-Briggs type? 

Since it was published in 1962, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has become one of the world’s most popular personality assessment tests (with a feminist history we happen to love). About two million people take the test annually, and it places takers on a spectrum of 16 different possible personality combinations.

Of the 16 possible types, one in particular is considered the rarest: the INFJ. 

INFJ stands for: Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging. Only about 1.5 percent of people fit into this category (meanwhile, the most widely represented type, ISFJ, accounts for 13.8 percent of test takers). Though they may be few and far between, INFJs possess some unique advantages that set them apart in the workplace. Below, here are eight of their superpowers.

1. They’re extremely intuitive.

INFJs are adept at reading people and situations, which is certainly seen as a prized skill by those they work with. The insight they’re able to share as a result of their intuitive prowess means their counsel is constantly sought.  

2. They have a high emotional intelligence.

Empathy comes all-too naturally to INFJs, who find it easy to see things from the perspective of others. This is one big reason their EQ tends to be off the charts, helping them to lead effectively, see the big picture and honor others’ feelings at the same time.

3. They’re observant. 

Nothing gets past an INFJ. Known for their inquisitiveness, they pick up on the smallest details and file them away.

4. They’re deeply creative.

Though they may not be the first one shouting out their ideas at the team brainstorming session, that doesn’t mean they don’t have them. INFJs are idea machines, and their capacity for innovative thinking lends itself well to traditionally creative pursuits — writing, the arts, etc. — as well as being an asset in more corporate business settings. 

5. They value learning and personal growth.

INFJs are constantly chasing a new skill or accreditation and are never content to rest on their intellectual laurels. 

6. They hold themselves to a high standard.

Sometimes, this can veer into self-destructive perfectionist territory. But if the INFJ has healthy boundaries and is able to maintain an appropriate emotional distance between their output and their value, this can be more positively represented as pride in their work.  

7. They enjoy helping others.

INFJs may be true introverts who value their alone time, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t also invested and interested in others. INFJs love being of service to others, especially where pursuits like teaching, coaching and mentoring are involved. They’re committed to helping themselves and others improve.

8. They’re dreamers AND doers.  

Introspective and creative, INFJs could easily be called dreamers, but the “J” of their personality ensures that they’re not simply stuck in the dream phase. Judging means they have excellent organizational and discernment skills, and they love putting these to use by formulating and then actualizing step-by-step plans toward the achievement of a goal.

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