Real Talk: I'm So Overwhelmed at Work — How Can I Calm Down?

Woman at Work


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Leah Thomas866
July 27, 2024 at 1:5AM UTC

We’ve all been there. You’re at work, you’re bombarded with assignments, people are coming to you left and right for this and that — and there seems to be no way out and no end in sight. 

That was the case for one woman who reached out to the FGB Community recently to ask for advice for those moments when things start to feel unmanageable.

Dozens of FGB'ers who've been in this woman's shoes responded with their best tricks for getting the ground back beneath them when things start to feel overwhelming. Below are a few of our faves.

1. Step outside and take a walk.

One FGB’er recommended simply stepping outside and going for a walk. We love this advice. Even just five minutes of fresh air can help clear your head and relax your mind. And that five minutes won’t put you far behind with your work. Plus, you’ll probably be more productive after taking five minutes to yourself and allowing your head to cool down. 

2. Watch motivational speaker videos online.

Another FGB woman recommended motivational speaker videos and mentioned Mel Robbins specifically. Robbins is a motivational speaker and CNN contributor best known for her TED Talk on “How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over.” She has multiple motivational videos with career and life advice online that could be helpful when you need a little pep talk from someone other than your boss. 

3. Make a plan of action with your calendar.

A third FGB’er recommended time blocking your calendar when you feel you have so much to do yet so little time. By actually figuring out how much time you will need to do each assignment, you can either show yourself that you do have enough time to complete your work or you can use it as proof that you are overbooked and need extra time to finish the assignments. Plus, you’ll have your day planned out, and scheduling can relieve any anxiety about the unknown. 

4. Just breathe.

Take some time to simply breathe. Catch your breath and slow it down in a controlled way, similar to what you would do in a yoga or meditation class. Not only will this help to relax your body, but also your mind. You will be focused on something other than all the work you have to do or the coworker you do not get along with. Focus solely on your breathing for a few minutes and allow yourself to relax. 

5. Try meditation.

Another great tool we can use to calm ourselves is meditation. This FGB’er suggested a meditation meet-up group, which we love! You are more likely to actually go and do something if you have others holding you accountable — we’ve all heard this before, and it’s true. Also, being able to vent to people who love and support you in this type of setting can be beneficial. Turn to your friends and family when things get so stressful you don’t know what to do.

And there are tons of meditation apps for iPhone and Android that can be accessed at all times. Use them when you need that relaxation and you just can’t find the proper outlet anywhere. They also send you calm, breathing reminders throughout the day, which we all can benefit from!

For all other life, work and relationship advice, reach out to the FGB Community and receive feedback from women who are rooting for you. 

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