Serena Williams Has Encouraging Words For Working Moms Who Are Already Exhausted by 2019

Serena Williams

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Updated: 1/3/2019
The start of a new year is injected with energy. We stay up past our bedtimes to ring in the time of rebirth, make plans for our new-and-improved selves, and wake up the next day feeling refreshed and ready to take on everything listed in our recently purchased planner. 
But for as well as we know that exhilarating rush of 'I can do anything,' we also know that by January 3rd or 5th or maybe even 2nd, many of us are exhausted all over again. Especially if we have as much on our plate as working moms do.

But don't fear: Serena Williams has some inspiring words for working moms who are already tired-out by 2019.  

Because of course she does. That woman is one of the most inspirational people alive. The tennis star shared a photo of herself and her young daughter, Olympia, with a caption that reminds working moms that they CAN do it. 
"As I head into next year it’s not about what we can do it’s what we MUST do as working moms and working dads. Anything is possible. I am getting ready for the first match of the year and my dear sweet baby @olympiaohanian was tired and sad and simply needed mama’s love. So if it means warming up and stretching while holding my baby that’s what #thismama will do," she wrote. 

Then, she reminded her followers of the importance of a supportive community, and asked her fans to weigh in with their inspirational stories. 

"My fellow moms and dads working- or stay home it’s equally as intense- but you inspire me," she wrote. "Hearing your stories makes me know I can do this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This year is to you! What are some things you had to do while working? #thismama #thisdaddy"

And they responded with some tales that will seriously light up your first week of the year. 

"I breastfed while doing homework, sat my son on my lap while taking a Skype oral exam with my professor, baby-wearing while doing laundry.  Light and love to all parents," @uuuhhhmmmk wrote. 
"I had to pump in my car just before a dinner interview. I had to wash vomit off a blouse just before heading to give a presentation at a conference. Bring my A-game in a meeting full of men after a night of no sleep with a sick baby. The list goes on and on, but when I think about what we do as working mothers, I am in constant amazement and feel proud," said @sofia_sonotthejoneses.
"I started a PhD program, so I was nursing in between classes. During the 4 month sleep regression, I would stay up late to finish assignments and slept on the couch. My partner and I took shifts," shared @lainey24. 
"I am a single parent and a truck driver. I raise my kids from the road... Only Our Father knows the struggle, but I'll GLADLY DO IT OVER AND OVER AND AGAIN!!," @elisewilliams9237 said. 
"I took my baby to the shop with me for her for her first year so that I could work and look after her at the same time. We went to meetings with clients, trade fairs and exhibitions together. It got really interesting when I noticed that when she met someone for the first time, she would look pointedly at their shoes because she literally spent her first year in my shoe shop," wrote @monamatthewsng said. 
No matter how tired they are, it doesn't seem like these working mommas will be stopping anytime soon. Here's to a 2019 that's just as imperfect but full of potential as 2018. 

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Una Dabiero is an editorial associate at Fairygodboss. She likes pop culture, reading things that make her think, and hearing women's stories. Don’t follow her on social media (please), but do follow her on the FGB community

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