Support Systems — How Have They Impacted Your Success?

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Photo of employees in a support system.

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Farmers Insurance®
Farmers Insurance®
Updated: 5/4/2022

At one point or another, we all might struggle to “do it all,” whether it be professionally, personally, or even both. That’s where support systems come in – people close to us, like friends and family, who care about us and our success. We asked some female Farmers Insurance® agents about their own support systems and how they have impacted their success. Here’s what they had to say:

The power of a great support system.

“I have an amazing support system, namely my husband; I wouldn't be where I am today without him. He was and still is my greatest advocate. Also, I am so thankful that I have a lovely family and nice friends whom I can't afford to live without. They provide real value in not only helping my agency grow, but also pushing me to improve.”

— Lilly Zhang, Farmers® agent

Cultivating close female relationships.

“Since starting my agency in 1983, I have developed several close relationships with other female agency owners, and we are still close friends today. We have supported each other through agency ownership, raising families, and life!  

A few years ago, I started a group for female Farmers agency owners in Southern California, specifically for the purpose of embracing, encouraging, and empowering each other. We meet once a month for lunch to share best practices and provide support to one another. We even kept meeting via Zoom during the pandemic. It is great to be able to share experiences and have the support of other women who are facing the same challenges as I am.”

— Terri Simes, Farmers® agent

Invaluable support from a spouse

From day one, my husband has been my support system. Through day-to-day life, he has always stood by my side, supporting me in everything I do. As a businesswoman, I couldn't do it without him. His help and support with raising our children gives me more time to be able to manage my business. 

— Jaklin Tshabourian, Farmers® agent

Let us know in the comments how support systems have impacted your life and career! 

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