The Funniest Reviews On Fairygodboss In 2016


dog laughing


Updated: 10/7/2019
Our mission to improve the workplace for women is a very serious one. We don’t take our work lightly, but we appreciate a good sense of humor -- and sometimes, we just need to laugh. As we celebrate the New Year, we’re looking back at some of the reviews left on Fairygodboss in 2016. While all have heavy implications, some describe situations that are just so ridiculous that your eyes will be tired from rolling (and you almost have to laugh):
Beware, Fashionistas
  • "Women [can advance] if you are slightly outspoken and fit a certain personality - not giggly, not "sweet", not overly fashionable."
Overheard at Lunch
  • "There is definitely a boys club mentality among leadership. There are no networking opportunities opportunities for women, however the men often network with each other over lunch can and after work. Women simply are not invited. One of the two times that I invited myself to lunch with the male leaders, the topic of conversation at the table was how to raise their daughters 'chastely'."
Even If Your Name Isn't Pat
  • Male dominated...Three different people at the lab assumed I was male before they met me (I even have a feminine first name).
While Your Husband's Eating Take-Out
  • The parent company is Japanese, [and has] a male dominated culture. I found it overly patronizing: "Can we take your husband out to dinner because we've kept you late every night this week?"
Unhappy? We've Got Just The Thing!
  • "Be very careful working here...It is a very male-oriented environment and it's very difficult to be viewed as more than simply a person with a specific gender...As I was leaving the company, my then-manager recognized that I was unhappy with my lack of professional growth at the company and suggested that he set me up with one of his male friends to get me to be happy."
When Management Really Gets You
  • “Just a few of the things said to women by male ‘leaders.’ -- ‘You have great lashes. You should use your eyes to your advantage to get what you want.’  ... ‘Maybe you should stay home and focus on being a mom.’ ... ‘You like being a 'do-er' though’ (in the context of being a do-er versus a leader)’   ...Please stay away.”
All the [Young, Carefree] Single Ladies (And No One Else)
  • "This is a great place to work if you're young, single and care-free."
With that, we wish you a happy, healthy New Year, and much more equality in the year ahead!


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