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Sponsored by RingCentral, Inc.

Photo Courtesy of RingCentral.

Photo Courtesy of RingCentral.

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Updated: 3/25/2020

It’s a challenging time.

School is closed, my children stayed home today. Clearly, my family’s case is hardly unique. Educators are scrambling to find solutions to ensure children continue their learning path – remotely. Healthcare providers are challenged to provide care and communicate effectively and real time with their patients and with each other. Nonprofits are creating awareness and connecting communities locally and globally with the right information, care, and help.

At RingCentral, we would like to help.

Our technology enables mobile and distributed teams and entire organizations to collaborate, communicate effectively, and stay productive while minimizing risks to health and safety. We have been focused on making communications more accessible and seamless for over a decade – We see it as our duty, during this difficult time – to promote health and safety among the community at large.
Are you an organization that has been impacted by the pandemic?  Are you an educator (kindergarten through grade 12)? A health provider? Or non-profit organization? We are offering you RingCentral Office, free of charge.

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RingCentral Office will provide all those impacted with video conferencing, team messaging, business phones, and even SMS and fax — all modes of communication especially used by teachers, students, healthcare providers, and non-profits as they come to terms with the impact of COVID-19.
For teachers who now have to ensure students remain on their education paths through distance learning, RingCentral’s video conferencing capabilities, team messaging and screen sharing enable them to stay connected with students. Similarly, remote school staff and teachers can stay connected with concerned parents without having to use personal cell phones.  RingCentral’s cloud-based phone system provides phone numbers to organizations and every individual enabling them to call and send/receive SMS using those business numbers (rather than personal mobile numbers).
Similarly, healthcare providers who need to check in on their patients’ well-being, can also leverage RingCentral’s business phone service. In addition, faxing any documentation whether that’s prescriptions, billing details, previous health records, etc. is also offered to ensure that the health and safety of patients is not compromised.
Non-profit organizations are offering services to impacted people mainly via phone and text and the RingCentral solution, which can be enabled within minutes for the entire organization – for rapid response, makes it a viable option so those on the frontlines of the crisis don’t lose time.

We are in it together!

As a global organization with employees around the world, we have used our tools extensively to stay connected during this time of crisis. We felt it was our responsibility to offer the same solution to the educators, healthcare providers and nonprofits, who are working globally to bring an end to this crisis. 

Tu-Han Phan, Social Impact and Diversity Business Partner, answered a few questions about the response.

How does the response from RingCentral mirror the company's values?

RingCentral's response to Coronavirus mirrors our company values through and through. We care most about working together--on our best day and on our worst day and this means doing so in a safe and compassionate matter. First, we protected the safety and health of our RingCentral family. If we can't ourselves, we can't help others. As guidance and directives were shared rapidly throughout the rapid evolution of COVID-19, we're proud to report to date, the measures we put in place quickly has resulted in no known positive cases in our offices globally. Second, we sought out to the help our communities in the smartest way we know how: through our company tools. As a complete donation, we hit the ground running donating our product so affected organizations could assuage undue financial burden and support organizational continuity through the outbreak. We supported healthcare professionals, educators, and nonprofit organizations directly by providing them our technology resources at no cost during this time so they could continue their causes.

 What are ways you would encourage other companies to participate?

We encourage other companies to participate, similarly, the smart ways they know how. Take what's unique to your own company, like RingCentral has, and share that value with our communities. Instead of everybody rolling up their sleeves to volunteer and donate in the same way, we must all participate and give in smart ways where our skills and resources are best put to use.

On behalf of our global workforce here at RingCentral, stay safe and thank you. Click here for more information.
This article originally appeared on RingCentral's blog. Fairygodboss is proud to partner with RingCentral. Find a job there today

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