This Employee Realized Their Company Was Hiring to Replace Them — What Happened Next Went Viral

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AnnaMarie Houlis4.87k
Journalist & travel blogger
Updated: 6/16/2021
Starting a new job can be stressful. Getting acquainted with colleagues and getting comfortable with company operations take time. And, when you don't feel like you have support or a boss who is willing to communicate, it can all feel even more overwhelming. That's what happened to one FGBer before their company totally blindsided them:
"I started a job six months ago and, while I'm blessed to be working during the pandemic, it's a bad fit," they shared with FGbers. "I hate the job and the anxiety that comes with it. I've been working remotely from day one, but I haven't felt welcomed. I have no goals or objectives. My boss is M.I.A. and refuses to touch base. I have tried to reach out to others in the organization and my team to get better acquainted with the company and the culture, but it's been very hard to get to know people's personalities virtually. I've made suggestions on areas that I think I can work on and create more effective strategies, but I have received no feedback from my boss."
They said that, because they had received no reviews or feedback since starting their work there, they couldn't gauge how they were performing. Rather, they got the impression that their position was created with little ideas as to what the company actually needed. Despite attending company-sponsored webinars, completing HR onboarding and training, and creating documentation of policies and procedures that they said weren't already documented, they found themselves bored and directionless at work.
"All in all, it's just not what I'm looking for in my next chapter," they continued. "I'm looking for a boss who isn't a micromanager, but who is available and supportive. I'm looking for a baseline or starting point where I can get familiar with the company, its mission, and where they're going next. I'm all for working hard, and I understand things are difficult now with the pandemic and companies needing to pivot, but I'm not down for mission impossible. So, I've continued to look for a job during this time, and the other day I saw that my position was posted on one of the job boards."
No one mentioned anything to them, and they never mentioned to anyone that they were unhappy with their job. But it became clear to them that their company was looking to replace them.
"Should I remain quiet and continue my job search while waiting for them to let me know, or should I let them know that I know that they're planning to replace me?" they asked FGBers. "In all honesty, I'd rather get it over with now and get out of hell."
With six months of savings, a side hustle, and a partner who worked, as well, they figured that they were in an OK position to quit before landing a new job. 
Still, FGBers jumped to the rescue and offered a resounding amount of advice. Some FGB'ers cautioned them, encouraging them not to "jump to conclusions."
"Be wary and don't jump to conclusions," Balanced935126 wrote. "Keep the job hunt up ... Get another job, and then give notice."
In the meantime, some FGBers told them that they should consider trying to talk to their boss again.
"I think it's easy to get forgotten as a new employee in this virtual world we're in now," an anonymous FGBer commented. "Does the new job description have things you're actually doing? Maybe you could go to your boss and ask to be brought up to speed on those tasks. I wouldn't quit without having another job. Use the time you would be working to job search."
Others also shared their sympathy, suggesting that they reach out to their boss about the job posting specifically.
"I know you said your boss is non-responsive, but have you tried asking him about that job listing?" asked FGB'er Audrey Nickel. "You don't have to say that you're looking (you could say, for example, that a friend brought the listing to your attention). Maybe say something along the lines of 'A friend sent me this link. Is there something I should be aware of?'"
But some FGBers recommended that they just quit the job and leave the headache behind.
"At the end of the day, if you're unhappy and things don't change, you should probably have an exit strategy anyway," FGB'er Shire Lyon wrote. "I would give them the benefit of the doubt, but always have a plan."
One FGBer agreed, admitting that she was once in a similar situation and decided to leave.
"I’ve definitely been where you are, and I chose to leave a mentally taxing and toxic work environment instead of enduring more abuse or potentially being dismissed after serving a long tenure with a large company," she explained. "I agree that jumping to conclusions is not the best option as others have mentioned, but you also need to keep your mental health and well-being in mind."
Since money isn't an issue, some FGBers said now would be a good time to take a break anyway.
"Please consider taking time to do some self-reflection if money isn’t an issue," one FGBer suggested.
But, as FGBers chimed in with advice on what they would do, the company beat them to the punch, and they were terminated. They thought their boss' request for an immediate Zoom meeting was suspicious since they said he'd refused to meet with them for the six months that they worked there. And, when they dialed in to find their boss, his assistant, and an HR representative who had to introduce herself, they knew something was up. The HR representative told them that they weren't a good fit — though the boss and his assistant didn't speak a word.
FGBers empathized when they updated their post to share the news of being let go.
"Wow! Aren’t you glad to not work for these people anymore?" FGB'er Tabbi Kinion wrote. "This is an extreme example of poor management. They posted your position while you were in the position? That is the worst! Now you have your unemployment pay to help you find a much better situation. This is a blessing even if being terminated stings. You were set up to fail, and now you are solid in what you are looking for. Lessons learned hard are the best-learned lessons."
Unfortunately, as one FGBer put it, "hindsight is 20/20," and every negative experience is a learning opportunity. Clear communication and a professional exit plan is the only way forward in the future.
AnnaMarie Houlis is a multimedia journalist and an adventure aficionado with a keen cultural curiosity and an affinity for solo travel. She's an editor by day and a travel blogger at by night.

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