Working at a Global Firm Helped Take My Career to New Heights

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Working at a Global Firm Helped Take My Career to New Heights

Photo courtesy of PIMCO

July 27, 2024 at 12:37AM UTC

For some, heading down a career path that’s right for them starts by putting one foot in front of the other. Read how Marta Bezoari, head of strategy and communications for global human resources at PIMCO, spent nearly 10 years at the firm traveling the world, developing new skills and taking her career a step further. 

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Q) Can you tell us about the roles you’ve held at PIMCO? 

Marta Bezoari: I’m currently based in Newport Beach, Calif., responsible for leading strategic initiatives and modernization for human resources and talent development globally. I am also leading part of our pandemic response planning. The role combines what I love: solving complex problems and helping others. Before that, I was head of strategy and business management for PIMCO Asia-Pacific based in Hong Kong. I started as an account manager in New York focused on institutional investment consultants, which really stoked my initial interest in strategic thinking.

My path at PIMCO hasn’t been linear; from the start, it’s been about the experiences and skills I’ve developed over time as a way of opening doors to new opportunities.

Q) What did you do to make your transition from New York to Hong Kong a smooth experience?

Marta: Moving from New York to Hong Kong was almost like joining a new firm. My office experience went from 600 people in New York to 70 in the Hong Kong office, which was a whole new vibe. I was warmly welcomed by everyone, which made it easier to settle into a new place and a new position. My colleagues were really forthcoming about introducing me to business models and teams, and the environment was very collegial. This helped with networking and was invaluable as I ramped up my new role. 

I also took steps to connect with my peers. When I first moved to Hong Kong I was offered an office, but I thought if I don’t step out and talk to people it would only be harder for me to learn about the local business and get to know my colleagues. I asked my manager if she minded if I sat with everyone else. This move broke down invisible walls and built connections.  

Q) How has working in multiple PIMCO offices helped you grow? 

Marta: Personally and professionally, I have been incredibly enriched by working in multiple offices across the firm. I grew up multicultural; I was born in France and raised in the UK, and I actively sought out the opportunity to travel and live in different places so it’s always something that has appealed to me. Each PIMCO office has its own unique micro culture, which is fun to discover and everyone is enthusiastic to share with you.

For example, the Hong Kong office has a real start-up feel. People often meet around the pantry over a shared local snack and brainstorm projects together. There are ample opportunities to grow, learn about the different cultures and business norms in the region, expand your horizons and make new connections. I’ve always had an interest in working and living in Asia, and early on in my career I made a point of mentioning that I would be willing to move if the opportunity presented itself.

I’m now in Newport Beach, the firm’s headquarters. From here, I get to see firsthand how firm-wide decisions are made and implemented, as well as gain a deeper understanding of our broader firm strategy and how all the moving pieces come together.  

Q) Is your mobility experience a reflection of the overall PIMCO culture?  

Marta: Absolutely, people across the firm globally are always ready and willing to help out, guide and provide introductions. PIMCO people are great that way; they will lend their experience readily to support you and the firm is invested in your ongoing development. When I think of PIMCO’s core values, especially collaboration and openness, I think of my peers and my partners. 

In addition, the firm’s relocation policies and assistance are top notch. There’s a lot of peace of mind that comes with that. You can really focus on getting yourself settled, which is so important, particularly when you’re moving across the world.

Q) What’s the most memorable piece of career advice you’ve received? 

Marta: One of the most memorable – and important – pieces of advice I ever got was this: it’s about the journey and not the destination. It’s really nice to see yourself progress when something was originally scary or new. The more I experience change the less I fear it. Now more than ever, I am beginning to understand what that advice means and see it unfold through my own experiences. 

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This material contains the opinions of the speaker and may not necessarily be those of PIMCO. The experiences discussed may not be representative of the experiences of all PIMCO employees. This material has been provided for informational purposes only.

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