Meet the Powerful Women Transforming this Exciting Company

From left: Romy Newman, Linda Mougalian, Lorraine Barber-Miller, and Martha Bird

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Fairygodboss and ADP interview

From left: Romy Newman, Linda Mougalian, Lorraine Barber-Miller, and Martha Bird

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Updated: 5/20/2024
Many of us are all too familiar with the toll that the daily work grind can take on both our professional and personal lives. But Linda Mougalian has managed to escape that sense of monotony and burnout, even though she’s worked at the same company for more than 20 years.
What’s her secret? She works at ADP, an HR software and services provider a company that seamlessly blends its rich history with its innovative spirit and eye toward the future. Mougalian currently serves as Division VP of Product Marketing and Strategy, but she feels like she’s had multiple careers throughout her decades-long tenure there.
“There’s so much trust,” Mougalian told Fairygodboss Co-Founder and President Romy Newman during a recent Facebook live interview, adding that once you’re situated and settled as an ADP employee, you often have the opportunity to move around and dictate your own path. “I don’t know of other places with such extensive and robust experiences within one company. I feel like I’ve got one foot on solid ground while I’m attempting and trying new things.”
The sense of support Mougalian describes is not an anomaly. In fact, ADP has just landed the #3 spot on the Fairygodboss 2018 Best Companies for Women list and the #7 spot on the Fairygodboss Best Companies Where CEOs Support Gender Diversity list — both of which are based entirely on employee reviews.

ADP is Hiring Now! Browse Opportunities

For Lorraine Barber-Miller, SVP and Chief Marketing Officer, ADP’s unwavering focus on digital transformation is what keeps her engaged at work each day. “Every part of the business is part of this transformation,” she said. “Our CEO has noted our desire and aspiration to be known for product leadership and innovation, and it’s really about taking this to the next level and being recognized for all that we’ve contributed.”
And Martha Bird, a Business Anthropologist in ADP’s Innovation Lab, says it’s her team that plays a huge role in keeping her energized in the office. “[My team] is like a family to me. It’s made up of really diverse professionals in a variety of fields. We’re led by an exemplary manager and it’s a wonderful environment. Having a team you feel really good about and respect — it all comes down to that.”
If you’re wondering what it takes to join the ADP team, these women have some pointers: Mougalian says when she herself is hiring, she looks for people who are creative and empathetic. “As we’re thinking about products, [we need to] understand why people care and [be] able to get inside the heads of people who will be using [our products] to solve problems down the road.”
And Barber-Miller believes candidates’ LQ — or learning quotient — is what defines an exceptional candidate. “We tend to hire very talented, smart individuals,” she explained. But their “ability to really learn and flex and try new things when [they’re] out of [their] comfort zone is really what sets candidates apart.”
“I look for individuals who have reinvented themselves,” Barber-Miller added. “You can be a generalist or a specialist, but at the end of the day, you have to have the ability to try new things and take risks in your career.”
If you’re ready for a change of pace and looking to join a passionate, energized team, you’re in luck: ADP is hiring!
Check out the ADP + Fairygodboss Facebook live conversation here:
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