Your Weekly Career Horoscope: March 3

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Updated: 3/1/2019

Ok everyone, it's time to buckle up. We have quite the work week ahead of us. Between a new moon, a Mercury retrograde and a huge shift in Uranus, we're in for a lot of changes and communication snafus. Read on to see what's written in the stars for your sign this week: March 3 to March 9. 

Aries:  March 21 to April 19

On March 6th, Uranus — the planet of higher thought — will settle into Taurus for the first time in 84 years, entering your second house of work, money and daily routines until April 2026. This shift in Uranus and your mindset could send you searching for a completely new career path. Even if you aren’t ready to start over, this new way of thinking will help you produce fresh ideas at work, and discover ingenious ways of monetizing what you love. It’s the perfect time to start that side hustle you’ve been dreaming of. However, sun in gentle Pisces will remind you that its important to ease into everything. Moving too fast will send you spinning, especially when Mercury retrograde starts on March 5th and confounds interpersonal connections, technology and travel

Taurus: April 20 to May 20

This week marks an astrological transit that could shape your entire life (and career).  On March 6th, Uranus — the planet of radical change — will enter Taurus. While you are usually adverse to change, this revolutionary time comes as a comfort. For the last year, you’ve experienced a nagging feeling that things were going to be different. And now, you’re experiencing the shift in perspective you need to be a true pioneering power. Channel this power — and the immense energy you get from Mars shooting through Taurus  — into a risky personal goal or stretch project at work. It’s impossible for you to lose. However, be sure to temper your communication, as your wild power and ambition may be misunderstood as Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, moves into retrograde on March 5th. 

Gemini: May 21 to June 20

The sun is in Pisces — your tenth house of ambition and success — and the new moon on March 6 marks a good time to map out your career goals for the next six months. While making your plan, focus in on your priorities, as Pisces may cloud your ability to decipher between whimsical daydreams and what you’d actually like to achieve in your career. This cloudiness will only be intensified by Uranus — the planet of revolutionary thought — moving into Taurus in your twelfth house of closure, healing and imagination on March 6. Geminis who are generally reliant on logic will be pushed into a more emotional space as they grapple with how they relate to others and their internal self. Be prepared to face minor setbacks as Mercury moves into retrograde on March 5, making communication and logistics difficult to master; Having your plan in place will help you tackle this frustrating time.

Cancer: June 21 to July 22

With the Sun in Pisces and your ninth house of travel, adventure and entrepreneurship, the new moon on March 6th is the perfect time to dream big. While caring Cancers are usually risk-averse and concerned with what could go wrong, the Pisces moon will give you an optimism and go with the flow attitude. If an exciting offer to speak publicly, take on a new project, or travel for work comes up, take it! You will feel ready. If you’re searching for a job, work at a start up or fast-paced business may appeal to you. You should take the risk that you may not take at any other time of the year. However, do not take this time to be risky with your communication. Mercury — which rules communication and technology —  moves into retrograde on March 5, and your “witty” work banter might land the wrong way. 

Leo: July 23 to August 22

On March 6th, Uranus — the planet of revolutionary change — will settle into Taurus for the first time in 84 years, entering your forward thinking tenth house. Uranus will urge change in your status at work, as it fuels you with an ambition to make serious changes with how you impact your company. If you feel like you aren’t center stage or making a true impact, trailblazer Uranus help you climb your way to the top. Use this newfound power to hop on a new opportunity at work, or to discuss your position with your boss. It’s time to take on more. If you already feel impactful at work, Uranus will cause you to look externally to how you impact the world. Consider how you are leading in your community, or in your industry. Look for opportunities to channel your ambition to become a thought leader; it’s time to start that podcast. This need for change comes at the perfect time, as the Pisces new moon on March 6 sets off a six-month growth cycle. Pick a few key projects and stick to developing them as the moon fils. Just be sure to be careful about how you present your ideas this week as Mercury — the planet that rules communication and technology — moves into retrograde on March 5. 

Virgo: August 23 to September 22

Your work relationships are center-stage this week, as the Pisces new moon on March 6 awakens a six-month period of personal growth in your seventh house of partnerships. And as Mercury moves into retrograde on March 5, you’ll feel the need to say whatever is on your mind. Channel this communication spark. 

Reach out to a woman you’ve always wanted to take as your mentor. Ask for that new responsibility that will bring you closer to your boss. Now is the time to grow your network and deepen your personal relationships. However, don’t let any relationships hold you back. On March 6, Uranus will transit into Taurus in your ninth house of travel, expansion and big ideas for the first time in 84 years! The world will feel like your oyster as you dive into an eight year period of growth. 

Libra: September 23 to October 22

This week, Libra needs to take it slow. On March 5, Mercury — the planet that rules communication and logistics — goes into retrograde in your efficient, fitness focused sixth house. As a result, many aspects of your life (including most things at work) will not be very efficient or fit. Take this time to take inventory of what you need to change (even at your best) and to “workshop” any plans you have. The March 6 Pisces new moon will be a good time to take charge and set some structures in place that will help you tackle the rest of the month. Set your appointments, book your travel, and clean everything before we really move into Mercury retrograde. March 6 also spells a major change within your personal life, as radical change maker Uranus moves into Taurus and your eight house of long-term finance and intimacy. Prepare for major shifts in your finances. With futuristic Uranus by your side, you may want to invest in technology or other trailblazing businesses. However, use your patented Libra balance to also prepare for monetary risks going wrong. 

Scorpio: October 23 to November 21

Mercury — the planet that rules communication— moves into retrograde on March 5, spelling trouble for Scorpios with a short temper. Remember that there is a thin line between expressing yourself and throwing a tantrum, and try to curb your urge to snap at anyone who crosses your path. Your need for expression will be particularly strong with Uranus — the planet of radical change — moving into Taurus and your seventh house of partnerships for the first time in 84 years on March 6! Prepare for an exciting time of meeting new people and expanding your network; much of which will happen after retrograde is over on March 28. You can get the ball rolling this week, when the Pisces new moon on March 6 blesses you with an unbeatable charisma. Use that to your advantage and start reaching out to new people you want to know professionally. Even your cold emails can’t lose. 

Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21

Currently, Pisces is in Sagittarius’s domestic fourth house, causing them to find comfort in being at home and taking care of their space. With Mercury — the planet that rules communication and logistics — in retrograde starting on March 5, there’s no reason to leave yet. Continue to focus on unwinding with weeknights in, and try to work remote if possible. It’s a tough week out there. And there’s even more of a reason to recharge with the massive change that’s on the way. On March 6, changemaker Uranus will move through Taurus in your sixth house of health, fitness and organization. While spontaneous Sagittarius usually appreciates change, as you’ve noticed during Pisces season, you’re going through a time where structure feels very necessary, and change feels overwhelming. Proper stress management is crucial to keeping your career on track as your personal life moves through changes. 

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

The Pisces sun is in your third house of communication, allowing you the perfect calm confidence for cocktail hours and networking events. And while communication may become more difficult when Mercury moves into retrograde on March 5, it’s also the perfect time to backtrack and reconnect with your past. Reach out to old contacts you haven’t seen in a while; it will bring new opportunities. On March 6, Uranus will enter Taurus and your fifth house of passion and creativity for the first time in 84 years! Your artistic side will come out in full force, giving you a new wave of creativity to apply to your work (or your side hustle). If you’ve been working on a creative project for a while, the end of this week is the perfect time to pick it up again.  Just remember that this passion is coupled with volatile emotions, which can be portrayed poorly during Mercury retrograde. Avoid lashing out at naysayers at work; it’s not worth your time. 

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

On March 6, the Pisces new moon will ignite your money and work sector of your life. From landing that project you’ve been wanting to scoring a new client to finally getting that promotion, what happens during this moon cycle will set up “what’s next” in your work life. However, be patient. Mercury — the planet that rules communication and logistics — will be in retrograde from March 5 to March 28, causing miscommunications and operational frustrations. Keep your cool, and know you’re working towards something great. Uranus — the planet of radical change — will remind you where your priorities are. The planet is moving into Taurus and your domestic fourth house on March 6 for the first time in 84 years, causing major shifts in how you view your home life. You may have the sudden realization that you want children, want to move cities, or want to rework a relationship with an estranged family member. Take these feelings in stride, and remember to give yourself time off work to really work through these emotions so you can be present in both arenas. 

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

Your personal new year is on the way, Pisces! On March 6, the Pisces new moon will catalyze your projects and plans for the next six months. Take the time to sit down and think through what you want to achieve by the September 14 Pisces full moon, where your energy is at its absolute peak. Whether it’s a promotion or going out on your own, the Pisces moon is on your side — and will favor you with good energy and good luck. If your next big goal is getting active in your community, running for office or doing non-profit work, the stars might be on your side. Radical change maker Uranus is moving into Taurus in your third house of interpersonal affairs, local action and ideas on March 6. This is the perfect time to stand strong for your beliefs and share them with the people around you; they will be met well. However, remember that Mercury retrograde starting on March 5 might bring along immediate bumps in the road… at least, until March 28 rolls around and your charming personality is returned to normal. 

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