Employee Reviews
(Winged ratings measure job satisfaction on scale of 1 to 5)

Anonymous shared this review of Dollar Tree, United States on Apr 27th, 2022
"Work load is alot not much free time to plan around pretty much always on call not much help"
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing Dollar Tree can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Position or Department
Manager, Retail
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Hours, Policies
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
"No / Unsure"
Would you recommend Dollar Tree to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Pension, Health care
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Anonymous shared this review of Dollar Tree, United States on Feb 11th, 2020
"Very political. Boy's club. Women have to speak loudly and then are thought to have "issues." "
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing Dollar Tree can improve?
"Promote more women into leadership positions"
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
"No / Unsure"
Would you recommend Dollar Tree to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Parental leave, Health care, Pension
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Anonymous shared this review of Dollar Tree on Sep 19th, 2017
"To be totally honest, I don't feel that the company is a bad company to work for, it is the people they hire and put into leadership roles. If I recommended anyone to work for the Dollar Tree, I would suggest that they applied to a store, and the particular store I worked for. The store manager pre-judged each applicant that came into the store, not based upon their qualifications, but based upon where they lived, what side of town they were from, how their was combed, how many children they had and sometimes their relationship status. I was actually one of the few that was offered a position, and I later found out that it was because of the state I came from. I felt that it was unfair, but continued to do my job as instructed. I feel like store manager discriminated against individuals, and mostly hired employees based upon her personal preference."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing Dollar Tree can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Level of Flexibility
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Dollar Tree to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of Dollar Tree on Mar 21st, 2016
"The store I work with actually only had one male for the first six or so months of my working there, and he was the main manager.
I only noted one problem with any of the men I worked with, and but I only dealt with him once before he left the company.
Actually, I've had more issues out of a few customers, and one of the female managers who was constantly thinking she was being put down because she was a woman(The problem was actually that she wasn't very good at her job.)
So, to sum up, it depends on your location. Mine was just nice enough to where it really didn't matter if you were male or female, but how good you were at the job. (It kinda seemed to be more hard on the men working there, as a few later joined the staff.)"
Are women & men treated equally?
Position or Department
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Dollar Tree to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of Dollar Tree on Mar 21st, 2016
"Its alot of work, if u r more on the lazy side, forget it.must be able to multitask"
Are women & men treated equally?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Dollar Tree to other women?
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