Employee Reviews
(Winged ratings measure job satisfaction on scale of 1 to 5)

Anonymous shared this review of Marco's Pizza on Mar 21st, 2016
"Required to work minimum of 50 hours a week. Almost always is close to 60 hours a week. Must market for your store every week minimum of 5 hours a week (visiting as many businesses or door hanging as possible, expectations are very high). Definitely not an ideal career for someone who is advanced in their career, more suited for a younger person without a family. Always on call. Standard insurance. Company does work with people who are hired on that are pregnant. Will most likely give time off but may not do paid leave. Will more than likely force employee to use PTO for leave or give the option of not being paid. Potential for raises? If asked to get a raise in salary the answer you get is, 'raise your store revenue'. Getting a raise in your salary is almost never an option, the only way to get a raise is to raise your store revenue. You get 1% of your store revenue every month and a quarterly bonus. Quartly bonus is given if you achieve specific numbers in specific categories. Can be somewhat difficult to achieve most numbers. Great company for young budding new managers."
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