What is the biggest challenge you are facing right now as a 'second chapter' woman entrepreneur?
For me, it is coming up with the right mix of products and services to assist other women leaders/entrepreneurs.
Sound off - as a woman entrepreneur, what is your biggest obstacle/problem that you cannot solve on your own?
I'm new on my entrepreneur journey after taking a sabbatical. The problem I'm facing right now is focus. I have so many ideas and am excited about a lot of them. Slowing down and choosing one or two to start is my growth edge at the moment :)
As a budding entrepreneur, my biggest obstacle/ problem is ME. lol I have way too many ideas and struggle with prioritizing which ones to truly execute. I've revised my business ideas several times but still can't seem to shake out how to streamline it so it makes sense, (not just to me ) to those who would find value in doing future business with me.
I can completely relate to this! You are NOT the only one....I think many women struggle with this because we always have to be thinking about everybody, their schedules, their habits, their preferences - we have a spiderweb of a mind and 'picking' one thing is not natural for us.
So true!