Writing for good
Hi! I'm new here, and I've gained so much already. I'm grateful that you all are here too!
I'm a writer and strategist currently in the outdoor industry. I've been a copywriter, brander, blogger, editor, and content strategist for the past eight years. I've written everything from quippy social copy to long-form advocacy journalism (along with thousands upon thousands of product descriptions).
However, I'm looking to move into a mission-based company. I'm passionate about using words and storytelling to truly improve peoples' lives. I am intimately involved in climate advocacy, LGBTQ+ rights and foster care. Y, hablo español tambien!
Is anyone here able to share about their journey from retail into mission-based organizations?
My journey involved being useful to the mission-based company before they had an opening that suited me. You need to make a list of 100 companies that you can benefit in your area, look at their website and development materials, and reach out to their development leader with one idea on how they can more powerfully engage their audience and an invitation to further dialog/free 30-minute call to act as a sounding board for them. For more ideas and to post questions on how to do this, join my group (Spark Job Search Boot Camp) at https://fairygodboss.com/groups/SJClDDCIS/spark-job-search-boot-camp
Aer, It can be .*great* to be with a mission-based company, but based on my experience I’d want to make sure that 1)the company is financially stable; and 2)that the company is managed well.
I mention this because some mission-based companies are small, which can mean quirky management and/or uncertain cash flow.
So, do screen potential mission-based employers as carefully as you would screen any other employer.
Ah! Thank you for the tip. That's a great point. I've seen some horror stories on the internet!
Aer, do you have a website or LinkedIn profile? I might have friends who would be willing to share their experience -- or even have some leads for work.
Hi Sara, yes! My website is: www.aerparris.com and my LinkedIn is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aerparris/. I'd love to be connected to your friends!