Looking for Ideas - Improving Engagement with Job Recruiters in Job Search Process Hi all, question for group.
I receive frequent calls from recruiters who do not seem to reference my current job profile. I review my online profiles on multiple sites frequently for accuracy. How do I reduce # of calls and emails where mismatch is apparent (example is receive temp jobs when I specify perm everywhere or receive calls for entry level when I'm mid career). I keep trying to actively engage the firms I'm interested in via active networking. Thanks.
I got sick of this too so I took down my resume and profile information off all websites except for LinkedIn.
From my own experience, you will always receive some of this. But if that's all you're receiving, the words you're using in your resume don't match what you're looking for. Have you used jobscan.co to compare your resume to a job posting you're applying for? If so, have you scored high? I found Indeed extremely helpful because if you upload your resume you can have a free service review your resume and send you a report saying, "Based on your resume, this is what people think about you." Mine was way off, so I did an overhaul of my resume. The result was those random calls/emails were closer to what I was looking for. Hope this helps!
This is a great point, when you say you checked your profile for accuracy; what does that mean? Is your profile optimized with specific key words for your industry? LinkedIn is a like a Google search, whatever is on your profile the most is what will show in searches.
I suspect a fair number of these recruiter calls are from scam companies seeking your personal information. The journalist Mariana van Zeller does a show on National Geographic called "Trafficked," and in one episode, she focused on scammers. It was very sobering. Here's the link: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/tv/shows/trafficked-with-mariana-van-zeller/episode-guide/season-01/episode-01-scams/vdka21300917.
Sort of unrelated, but I don't understand why companies pay recruiters significant fees to do this! Search for keywords and then randomly contact people who clearly aren't a match without even looking at their profiles. If I am outsourcing expertise, I want the recruiter to find people that keyword searches might not, or at least not waste the money I'm paying them on dead ends.
Honestly I'm not sure you can. I would probably just prepare a template response that says something like, "This doesn't really look like a good fit for me right now. Thank you for reaching out, and if you have or come across a position that would be a good match for [whatever you are looking for] I would love to chat about it." It's likely that the ones you are getting that are really badly matched are coming from people who aren't fully reading your profile, just sending to people who match a keyword or two.
I am sorry that I can't offer any advice with this. I do want to follow though because I have been having the exact same problem for several months now. I have been told that I should change the "key" words in my profile because recruiters often plug in a word (ex: manager) to perform a search. I'm not sure if this would help or not?
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