Neurodiverse Professional Women

A group for neurodiverse professional women to support one another without judgment

closed group
HOLLY RIVERAJanice Dru-BennettMeredith TozzerMaryRose CleereJustKeepSwimming99 members
Mystery Woman
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About this group

Neurodiversity is the concept that neurological variations can and should be recognized and respected rather than pathologized and in need of "curing". Neurological differences that fall under the neurodiversity umbrella include: Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyscalculia, Dysomnia, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Tourette Syndrome, and others. All our brains work a bit differently, and it's not necessarily a bad thing! This is a group ...Read more

Group rules

No hate speech, bullying, or self-criticism for simply being yourself. Please respect other members' privacy - anything shared in this group MUST STAY HERE, particularly with regards to any medical information or diagnoses.
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