God's Girls

Enlightened & strong women who will stand & fight with Christ

open group
Jacqueline GuobadiaRosie MouaIzzyCohenRachel MontañezStephanie  Burg-Brown210 members
Mystery Woman
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About this group

There is a huge group of women that are waking up to see God's Kingdom being shaped on earth. Make no mistake that you're here with me. Every sign has pointed to his soon return. There is so much to do to help our loved ones to see the light, so to speak. I've had Divine dreams and startling visions of what lies ahead for us. Some of it may be down right terrifying and disturbing to say the least.. but follow me and I will guide you through this. What would you do if ...Read more

Group rules

Be understanding and open minded. We all interpret things differently. But there is only one God and one way of going home. Encourage each other and build your foundation off of other's knowledge.
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