Where do I start?
I was a public school teacher for 10 years and decided to resign to stay home with my baby. When she was 1.5yrs old we decided to put her in daycare. Since then I have been nannying part time and love it. However, I feel that soon I will need and want a full time job. I have a degree in art therapy and a masters in elementary education but I don’t want to work at an elementary school anymore. At this point, I am having difficulty searching for jobs because I don’t know specifically which field I would like to switch to. Switching careers is overwhelming so I was wondering where do I start?
Nicole - I hear the courage *and* the fear in that question, and honor how brave you are to ask. Once you've decided you're ready to explore something beyond teaching, you need to start collecting the breadcrumbs that can lead you towards clarity. You know more than you think you do.
One simple way to show yourself everything that you know is to take a piece of paper, divide it into two columns, and in the left column, write down everything you don't want (or want to get away from) in your next job. Don't hold back. Let yourself unload!! Then, move your focus to the right column. Write down the opposite of each item -- so, the things you DO want -- in the column on the right.
At Career Clarity, we teach a LOT about the 4 Pillars of Career Fulfillment, so your next step is to grab 4 different color markers/highlighters, and color code your right-column desires by the 4 pillars: strengths, interests, personality, and lifestyle.
Notice which of the pillars you're crystal clear on, and which pillar is a bit more fuzzy. For the fuzzy one, start doing some deliberate reflection and research: what *might* I want here?
This isn't a one-day process -- you'll probably refer back to this paper over the coming days and weeks as you have additional moments of insight. But it's a great way to get you moving (and remind you that you know more than you think). And it will naturally start to prompt some ideas around where you can find all the traits you've outlined!
Want a copy of our 4 Pillars eBook for free? Send me a message and I'll send you the link!
Thank you for your response. I’m getting great ideas. Yes I would love a copy!
Awesome! Here's a link to download a copy for free! https://getcareerclarity.com/the-career-clarity-approach/
Thank you!!!!
A few job boards exist online such as the Chamber of Commerce, local Universities and Colleges and the State you live has an employment board. You can also target a few companies that peak your interest and see what jobs are posted.
Hi Nicole, I was an Art Therapist for many years, it was a great experience. Now I help women pivot to a new level in career and life. Many of my skills as a Therapist and one who educated on a different level can be very rewarding. I usually ask my clients to put a list together of what you are good at, what you have gotten paid for and what peaks your interest of positions that are open? For example there are lots of companies looking for trainers of their workforce. My suggestion is look on Indeed and job boards and be objective. What jobs pop out to you? As a teacher , you have a great skillset that is transferable. Let me know if you need help?
Thank you so much for your response and advice on where to start. A lot of people have told me that being a teacher is a great profession that will allow you to be qualified for other positions; I just have done so many different types of jobs throughout my life that I’m having difficulty deciding what to apply for. I feel like I am fortunate to be able to have this opportunity to do something else but I’m not sure what. I’m so clueless when it comes to finding job boards and navigating through the websites. Besides for indeed; how do you find job boards? I would love any and all help lol.