New Team
I want to ask another leader on a different team if he has any analyst positions open however I suck at email ettiquete and I am not sure what to write in the email. I was thinking something like " hello, I am looking to dabble into a new position and was wondering if you have any analyst roles available in your area?"
Can someone please help?
Also, should I let my current manager know? I dont want to tell him but I think I should.
I agree with Laney, she gave some great advice!! Meeting in person is definitely key to networking.
I would also talk with your manager about your career goals. They can help you get where you want to go. But that can depend on what kind of relationship you have with your manager. I’ve had some help, others not so much, but it’s good etiquette to share with them. Also, you may need their flexibility if the chance comes to take on a project with the other department.
Last, consider getting a mentor in that other department. They can help you learn, develop additional skills and be another advocate for you.
After meeting with the other manager, I would follow up with an email to thank them.
Best wishes on your next career move!
Does your company have an intranet where they post company events, birthdays, holidays off, etc? If they do, a lot of companies will also post internal open positions. Check there.
If possible don't email, walk up and introduce yourself to the leader and have a conversation about the possibility of shifting gears to being an analyst. IMO it makes it takes the request/question to a more personal level. He/she can put a face and personality to the person interested in the position. If there is nothing available right now you can also see if the department needs some additional help on a project that you can jump in on. This will allow the leader to see your skills, ability to adapt, learn and how you get along with the rest of the team. This way when a position does open up you will be on the top of the list.
Good luck!