Navigating The New Normal

As the world is adapting to what is now the “new normal,” we want to be there for you every step of the way.

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Kristen FitzgeraldVanessa HendersonHOLLY RIVERADanielle WhiteM875 members
Mystery Woman
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Group rules

Be kind and courteous. No hate speech or bullying.

About this group

What’s happening in the world right now is affecting us all—we’re working from home, we’re checking in with loved ones from a distance, and we’re trying to stay as positive as we can. But we recognize how stressful this situation can be. That’s where we come in—we want this group to help you navigate your new, unprecedented path. Check back here daily to stay up-to-date on the news, get work-related resources and advice, discuss what’s happening with fellow FGB’ers, learn ...Read more

Group rules

Be kind and courteous. No hate speech or bullying.
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