There is an "I" in Isolation
I am finding being in isolation and working from home very difficult and depressing. I'm sharing a post I wrote on LinkedIn in case others feel the same. Feel free to add tips of your own.
I try to take in some form of learning each day. Whether webinar, podcast, or article, I do my best to expand my knowledge and share it with my team.
Great suggestion!
Judy, I really enjoyed your article and commented on LI but will add thoughts here.
I started my own business and began working from home and had a hard time adjust to the quiet. So I started putting soft music on in the background. I also found once I set up a daily routine it helped a ton.
What we are going through is difficult because it cuts socialization down. I hosted a virtual wine chat last night with friends.
Not only did I get to see my friends beautiful faces but I had something to look forward to and anticipate all week which helps! A LOT!
Try it ladies, you'll love it.
I had a cocktail hour with some pals last night. It was great.
I can relate on so many of the things you're feeling. It's been raining non-stop where I live, which can take a toll whether you're quarantined or not. I'm looking forward to some much needed sunshine later this week. Thanks for sharing, Judy!
I loved your article. It very articulately explained how a lot of people are feeling right now. Thank you for putting it out there.
Thanks Kristyn
I love this list! Making sure to drink out of glasses isn't one I had thought about before, but it makes so much sense. It goes for meals, too - even putting my yogurt in a bowl with fruit instead of eating it out of the container went a long way.
Yogurt--good one. I feel as if I'm slowly becoming uncivilized, so I'm making steps to do things as if I was always in public. And it makes me feel a bit better.
Such a good strategy! I'm glad it helps.