Any idea's on how to navigate extreme work change or even job loss with out it effecting other parts of your life?
No details just a request for ideas, please.
I've heard this advice from job search experts: treat the job loss/change/search as it's own full time job. I've mainly heard this advice in regards to a new job search, but I think it could work for a job change, too. Whatever tasks you need to complete to work through this extreme work change, set hours on your schedule each day to work through them. Once your time is up, put it aside both physically and mentally, and try to go about your personal routines. Hope this helps!
It helps. It’s just so difficult right now for so many women working from home especially given the home schooling aspect. I can’t imagine the pressure these women must feel trying to perform everything to perfection. And if something breaks there is no place to retreat to because their home is their office.
I would definitely recomend therapy with an expert in loss.
I hadn't thought of that. It's counter intuitive for me but it is a solid idea for those who are overcome and want expert help in navigating. Thanks Letty.