Starting a new job remotely in these times
Does anyone have any thoughts, tips and ideas to share for someone who is starting at a new job and due the situation it's all going to be remote?
This is something I'm open to and would love to do. I just need to figure out how.
Thank you Julie!
Definitely agree with the above, especially to be on the same page regarding expectations and timing. Working remotely is a dream for many people. Embrace it, figure out a good work space at home where you can focus and be comfortable (good chair, desk, maybe standing desk, etc).
Hey Winola, I think the Muse article is good. My top 2 priorities would be: (1) trying to get clarity on expectations from your boss, and how she wants to stay informed during this time, and (2) setting up virtual coffee chats to get to know co-workers, so you can find a buddy or 2 to reach out to easily with questions. And I'd probably try to find an ongoing way to keep connecting on a personal level with coworkers - maybe invite the team to virtually have lunch in a week or two, or set up a recurring weekly coffee date with someone you particularly hit it off with. Good luck in your new position!
Thank you Kelley. This is quite helpful!
There are a couple of go-to sites I like that provide timely advice and information. Check out: https://www.themuse.com/advice/starting-new-job-remotely-coronavirus
Thanks for sharing :)