What resources do you all use to learn or improve your skills?
Do you use assets within your company? Do you use online resources? How do you decide which skills you should learn or upgrade? Let's share some knowledge!
As I mentioned in my comment on a post, when trying to find what skills I should learn or tweak in an administrative role, I looked at the skills of other admins as well as what expertise was desired in job postings. I can take a class on Excel for free on Coursera by auditing the class. No grade and no certificate. But, those aren't necessary for me. All I need is the knowledge.
For situational learning (I need to learn a specific skill right now), I turn to YouTube.
For upskilling, I turn to LinkedIn Learning first and then YouTube (if there isn't formal training on LinkedIn for what I need)
Yes! I left out YouTube! I have definitely found a lot of great information there, as well.
My company has a corporate wide subscription to LinkedIn Learning. I absolutely love it! Best of all - you can get credit toward your yearly developmental goals. I highly recommend it!
That sounds great!
If you have access to LinkedIn Learning, that is a very valuable resource. I've gotten HR, management, and Excel certs. LinkedIn also has skill tests you can take that (if you pass) puts a badge on your profile showing that you have expertise in that skill.
That definitely sounds like a valuable resource!