Small Business

A group dedicated to people who own or run a small business.

closed group
Siobhan StephanLaVon LaytonDenys Symonette MitchellAshley Morrison Kathryn Plantan182 members
Mystery Woman
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About this group

Who is this group for? Whether you want to plan a small business, start a small business, or grow a small business, this group is here for you! What do we consider a small business? The term "small business" varies by industry. We use the U.S. Small Business Administration's table of what defines a small business here [1]. Generally speaking, businesses with fewer than 500 employees qualify as a Small Business [2]. [1] ...Read more

Group rules

1. Please keep the discussion kind and courteous. A beginner's mind, empathy and gratitude highly encouraged! 2. Please include your state in your post if possible, some guidance may vary by state.
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