Intern - PiBS Data Analytics (m/f)

GE Vernova



Baden, Switzerland

Why you should apply for a job to GE Vernova:

  • 5/5 in overall job satisfaction
  • 4.9/5 in supportive management
  • 100% say women are treated fairly and equally to men
  • 100% would recommend this company to other women
  • 100% say the CEO supports gender diversity
  • Ratings are based on anonymous reviews by Fairygodboss members.
  • Build your network and connect with other GE employees for professional development via our seven Affinity Networks.
  • We empower our people through coaching and feedback, our talent development philosophy, and even our customizable benefits programs.
  • GE offers many healthcare options; 401(k) plan; tuition reimbursement; adoption resources; employee assistance; and recognition programs.
  • #902678200

    Position summary

    ie Ursachen und Signaturen zu finden von Anomalien der überwachten Kraftwerks Flotte.

    • Du wirst Analytics entwickeln, testen und installieren mit Hilfe von Python für das GE Vernova M&D Center

    • Du wirst KPIs entwickeln und darstellen für ein noch besseren Geschäftseinblick vom Laufverhalten der GE Vernova Flotte

    • Du arbeitest eng mit Kunden zusammen um Anforderungen zu ermitteln und funktionale und technische Dokumentation zu erstellen

    • Du wirst bei uns einen Einblick in Software Best Practices und Lean-Management erhalten sowie die Möglichkeit bekommen dein erlerntes wissen aktiv mit einzubringen

    Dein Profil

    • Du hast die Eidgenössische (Berufs-)Matura

    • Du möchtest ein praxisintegriertes Bachelorstudium (PiBS) in Teilzeit an der FHNW/ ZHAW studieren und unser Team auf einer 40%-Basis unterstützen

    • Du sprichst fliessend Deutsch und hast sehr gute Englischkenntnisse

    • Es wäre von Vorteil wenn du schon Programmierkenntnisse in Python und/oder Spark hast

    • Du bist lernbereit und hast eine vorliebe für's Optimieren

    • Du arbeitest gerne im Team, bist verantwortungsbewusst und hast Lust auf eine dynamische und globalle Organisation

    • Du bist jemand der Lösungsorientiert arbeit

    Job Description

    • You will analyze measurement data and build models using state-of-the-art technologies to find root causes and signatures of anomalies in the monitored power plant fleet.

    • You will develop, test and install analytics using Python for the GE Vernova Monitoring & Diagnostics Center

    • You will develop and present KPIs for an even better business insight of the running behavior of the GE Vernova fleet

    • You will work closely with customers to identify requirements and create functional and technical documentation

    • You will gain insight into software best practices and lean management and get the opportunity to actively contribute your learned knowledge

    Your profile

    • You have a federal (vocational) high school diploma

    • You would like to study a practice-integrated Bachelor's degree (PiBS) part-time at the FHNW/ ZHAW and support our team on a 40% basis

    • You are fluent in German and have a very good command of English

    • It would be an advantage if you already have programming skills in Python and/or Spark

    • You are willing to learn and have a passion for optimization

    • You enjoy working in a team, are responsible and have a desire for a dynamic and global organization

    • You are someone who is solution-oriented

    Additional Information

    Relocation Assistance Provided: No

    Why you should apply for a job to GE Vernova:

  • 5/5 in overall job satisfaction
  • 4.9/5 in supportive management
  • 100% say women are treated fairly and equally to men
  • 100% would recommend this company to other women
  • 100% say the CEO supports gender diversity
  • Ratings are based on anonymous reviews by Fairygodboss members.
  • Build your network and connect with other GE employees for professional development via our seven Affinity Networks.
  • We empower our people through coaching and feedback, our talent development philosophy, and even our customizable benefits programs.
  • GE offers many healthcare options; 401(k) plan; tuition reimbursement; adoption resources; employee assistance; and recognition programs.