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Description and Requirements
职位描述: 1、参与联想全球供应链相关系统设计及开发;重点是采购相关自开发系统支持 2、参与产品需求分析和评审,能从系统角度有效分析业务需求; 3、重点技术攻关以及核心模块开发,代码质量把控、疑难bug协助排查; 4、指导团队成员解决遇到的各种技术问题,快速、有效解决工作中各种突发问题;
Job Description:
Participate in the design and development of Lenovo's global supply chain-related systems; focus on providing support for in-house developed systems related to procurement. Participate in product requirement analysis and review, and be able to effectively analyze business requirements from a system perspective. Focus on key technical research and the development of core modules, control the quality of code, fixing various technical problems and effectively solve all kinds of unexpected problems in the work.
任职资格 1、全日制本科及以上学历,5年左右Java开发经验,有扎实的Java基础,熟练掌握JVM调优、多线程、NIO等技术; 2、熟练使用Spring、Springboot、Mybatis等开发框架,深入了解其原理; 3、熟练使用Springcloud各种组件,对服务治理、分布式系统常见问题有深刻理解; 4、熟悉Oracle、mysql、pgsql等数据库,对SQL优化有丰富的经验; 5、有丰富的分布式开发经验,以及常用开源框架,如:Redis、ZK、ES、MQ、Kafka等。 6、有供应链行业背景、有互联网研发经验、有大型系统架构经验、研究过开源代码者优先; 7、善于沟通、总结、思考,有良好的团队协作能力;
A full-time undergraduate degree or above, with around 5 years of Java development experience, having a solid Java foundation, and being proficient in technologies such as JVM optimization, multi-threading, and NIO. Be proficient in using development frameworks like Spring, Spring Boot, and MyBatis, and have an in-depth understanding of their principles. Be proficient in using various components of Spring Cloud, and have a profound understanding of service governance and common issues in distributed systems. Be familiar with databases such as Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, and have rich experience in SQL optimization. Have rich experience in distributed development and in commonly used open-source frameworks, such as Redis, Zookeeper (ZK), Elasticsearch (ES), Message Queue (MQ), and Kafka. Those with a supply chain industry background, experience in Internet research and development, experience in large-scale system architecture, or who have studied open-source code will be preferred. Good at communication with creative thinking , full stack engineer is more better
Additional Locations: