10 Proven Body Language Techniques to Utilize During Your Next Interview

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Beth Braccio Herring for FlexJobs
Beth Braccio Herring for FlexJobs
Updated: 8/25/2022

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Body language, or nonverbal communication, is something we all use whether we realize it or not. How we stand, sit, and even use our hands sends a message about what we think and how we feel. And when it comes to a job interview, your body language can play a huge part in how well it goes.
Throughout every interview, your body communicates something to your interviewer and affects how you feel about yourself at that moment. It’s imperative that your body language in a job interview shows you as a confident, positive, and capable person. We’re going over 10 tips to help you take control of your job interview body language to make sure you send the right message.

Job Interview Body Language: 10 Tips

1. What you wear

Taking control of your job interview body language starts with selecting the right interview outfit. In addition to dressing the part, make sure what you wear is comfortable and doesn’t inhibit your movements.
For example, while your pants look fantastic when you stand, can you sit comfortably? Do they ride up or pinch your waist? If you’re wearing a suit, does the jacket let you move your arms comfortably, or does it feel like you’re in a straitjacket?
Test your attire out before the interview to make sure it’s comfortable. This, in turn, will help you feel more comfortable and confident throughout the interview.

2. Consider your entrance

Your body language can be evaluated before you even meet the hiring manager. Think about how you interact with the receptionist and how you may appear as you sit in the lobby. Are you jittery and slouched? You never know who may be watching. Take some deep breaths and sit in a comfortable, upright position to convey calmness and confidence.
The same goes for a video interview. While you’re not sitting in a lobby, what the interviewer sees when your video starts will have an impact. Sit up straight and keep your eyes on the camera instead of another screen or your phone.

3. Stand tall

Hiring managers will pay attention to how you walk toward them. Stand tall to help you walk confidently and with purpose. Keep your arms comfortably at your sides and make eye contact when you approach them.
Also, make sure you aren’t juggling a bunch of “things” when you’re walking over. You might have a resume, a portfolio, a bottle of water, and a purse or bag. Have everything put together (say, stashed in the bag) before you start walking. This helps you appear more polished and organized.

4. Offer a pleasant handshake

Quickly establish your professionalism by offering a handshake that’s “just right.” A handshake that’s too hard can come off as arrogant, but one that’s too soft might make you seem timid or weak.
“A good handshake exudes confidence and an ‘I’m ready for this’ attitude. You don’t want it to be so strong that the interviewer’s hand is hurt, or too soft, because that can send the message that you aren’t ready or confident for the interview,” notes Toni Frana, Career Development Manager at FlexJobs.
Have a history of sweaty hands? Wake to daylong freshness by applying antiperspirant to your palms at bedtime the night before. In a pinch, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to evaporate moisture shortly before your interview.

5. Sit correctly

While you need to sit comfortably during the interview, slipping off your shoes and tucking your legs under you does not send the right message. Likewise, if you slump or lean back in the chair, you might give the hiring manager the impression that you’re scared or don’t take the job seriously.
Sit so your back is supported to help you sit up straight. Try leaning forward a little and keep both feet flat on the ground to help you maintain the pose without tiring. Try not to cross your legs as it could get uncomfortable, and it may not be so simple to uncross and recross your legs without looking awkward.
Finally, don’t tap your toes or bounce your knees. While it may be a habit, it comes across as a nervous habit, and that could signal you aren’t confident in yourself and your abilities. It could also signal that you’re restless and have someplace else to be.

6. Control your hands

Guilty of tapping your fingers, fiddling with your jewelry, or picking at your nails? This type of interview body language can make you come off as bored or impatient.
To help tame your fiddling fingers, keep your hands flat in your lap, not balled up or gripping the arms of the chair. Or, keep a pen in one hand and a notepad in the other to take notes.
And while you can gesture while you answer questions, try not to overdo it. Keep your motions small and close to your body. Flinging out your arms could make you seem anxious or aggressive, even if that’s not the case.

7. Make eye contact

Looking people in the eyes helps you seem attentive and trustworthy while averting them makes you appear shifty or nervous. Just don’t gaze to the point where things become uncomfortable—staring is just as creepy at an interview as it is elsewhere.
“Eye contact during an interview is important, as it shows the interviewer you are confident and ready to go. It also shows one more key thing: you are listening and engaged in the conversation,” says Frana.
Got multiple interviewers in the room? Don’t miss this chance to demonstrate your team-oriented mindset. When asked a question, start out looking at the person who posed it. Then, briefly make eye contact with others before returning your gaze to the original asker while finishing your answer.

8. Breathe

Your breathing is one place where your nerves can really show. If you’re feeling nervous, your breaths may be short and shallow, leading to your speaking being shaky and quiet. One way to get control of your racing heart is to focus on your breathing.
Before the interview, try the 4-7-8 technique, where you inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale for eight seconds. This helps you focus on breathing rather than everything jumbling in your mind. During the interview, consciously take a few deep breaths when you can fit them in to help calm yourself and lead to a steady and confident voice.

9. Smile

Who seems more approachable and trustworthy—a smiler or a frowner? In both job interviews and real life, people are naturally drawn to a happy face, and the feel-good chemicals smiling releases into your body will help you stay calm and upbeat.
Slap a grin onto your face in the washroom, elevator, or another private place before heading into an interview; even a forced smile can have a positive effect on your mood. But steer clear of fake, suspicion-inducing smiles around your interviewers. Instead, think about your accomplishments and your excitement for this opportunity. Your natural glow is sure to get noticed!

10. Respond

Your body language can also help you respond without saying a word!
Nod periodically to acknowledge what the interviewer is saying without verbally interrupting them. This can help you connect with the hiring manager and stay connected to the interview.
Staring off into the distance with your eyes out of focus or staying frozen in place could send the message that you don’t care about the interview or are even frightened of the job.

Speak Volumes

Your body language during the job interview plays a bigger role in landing the job than you might have realized. But with these tips, your awareness of what you’re saying without uttering a word can help you ace your next interview!
This article originally appeared in FlexJobs. FlexJobs is the leading career service specializing in flexible work, providing the largest database of vetted remote and flexible job listings. To support job seekers in all phases of their journey, FlexJobs offers a range of services including expert advice, job search events, and career coaching. FlexJobs also works with leading companies to recruit quality remote talent and optimize their remote and flexible workplace.

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