11 Best Sites for Employer and Company Reviews in 2023

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Deanna deBara
Deanna deBara
July 26, 2024 at 10:2PM UTC

If you’re looking for a new job and want to get a real perspective into what it’s like to work at a particular company, one of the best resources available? Employee reviews.

Employee reviews allow you to dig into current and past employees’ experiences within an organization, both positive and negative. Those insights can be invaluable when you’re looking for companies to apply to and fielding job offers. They give you potential pros and cons of the job—pros and cons you can use to more accurately evaluate the opportunity and decide whether the company you’re considering is the right place for you to move forward in your career.

Psst…want to hear from current employees? Try The Muse

Reading anonymous employee reviews can be super helpful (for the honesty alone!), but if you want to see testimonials from current employees, too? Check out The Muse. Widely known as a job search site and career resource, The Muse also hosts company pages that share key information about the business—including video testimonials, office photos, and detailed perks and benefits. 

Not only do employee reviews help you better understand the experience of employees who work or have worked there, but they can also give you more personalized insights into whether the role is right for you. When you read reviews that are in line with your specific situation (for example, other female employees or team members from the specific team you’re pursuing), you can get a better idea of what it might be like for you to work there—which can help you make better, more informed decisions about where to apply or whether to accept an offer.

If employee reviews are this valuable, the real question is—where, exactly, do you find them?

The good news is that there are plenty of places to find the employee reviews you need to better understand everything from an employer’s culture to their brand to whether their compensation and pay are fair to what kind of benefits they offer—and just about everything in between. You just need to know where to look.

Let’s take a look at 11 sites where you can find employee reviews—as well as tips on how to use those sites to further your job search and make the next best step in your career.

1. Fairygodboss

If you’re looking for the most comprehensive employee reviews site—and one that’s targeted specifically toward women—Fairygodboss (us, hi!) is the resource you’ve been looking for.

At Fairygodboss, we aggregate women’s reviews, opinions, and workplace experience and organize them into a variety of categories you can use to while navigating your job search and career path, including:

  • Overall company reviews. In addition to aggregating female employees' overall job satisfaction levels, we also provide a summary of additional points to consider when evaluating a job opportunity at a particular organization, including whether women think their company treats men and women equally and fairly at work and if they would recommend their employer to other women.

  • Actual salaries by job and industry. When an employee submits a job review to Fairygodboos, we ask them to provide a salary range; that way, you can better understand what kind of compensation packages the company offers female employees—and decide whether that aligns with your salary expectations.

  • Parental leave guide by company. If you have or are planning to have children, it’s important to understand what kind of parental leave companies offer before you apply or accept a job. With our employee reviews, we try to help parents and potential future parents understand not only what parental leave policies may be at an employer, but also how parental leave works into the company culture—for example, whether it’s common practice for parents to take their full leave or if doing so could jeopardize their career progression within the company or stigmatize them as a less committed employee.

  • Work-life balance guide. When looking for a new job or deciding whether to move forward with an offer, work-life balance is one of the top priorities—if not the top priority—for many employees, including what a company can offer in terms of flexibility. On Fairygodboss, reviews include information on an organization’s flexibility—for example, whether employees can work remotely or have a flexible work schedule.

While Fairygodboss collects a ton of information to help you better evaluate an employer—and decide whether that employer is the next best stop in your career—it’s always helpful to utilize other resources to get a comprehensive view of what life is like at a particular company.

Here are 10 additional places you can go to access employee reviews.

2. Glassdoor

Glassdoor is one of the most well-known websites for employee reviews. Because it’s so well-known, they have a huge number of reviews, with employees sharing their experiences and opinions on a variety of elements that could be helpful on your job search—including insights on company culture, leadership teams, and compensation packages.

3. Indeed

Indeed is best known as a comprehensive job board, aggregating millions of jobs across the internet by scraping websites that list open positions, but Indeed also hosts job reviews, where employees can rank their current or former employees on a five-star scale and share the pros and cons of the organization. 

4. Vault

In addition to more traditional employee reviews, Vault uses reviews and surveys to rank organizations within their industry—for example, Vault Law 100, which ranks the top 100 most prestigious law firms within the U.S.—which can be a quick and easy way to see how a particular company compares to its competitors. 

5. CareerBliss

CareerBliss allows employees to rate different elements of an organization using a 5-star rating system, including things like company culture and work environment. The site also allows for more open-ended commentary, so reviewers have the opportunity to include more detailed, specific insights.

6. Kununu 

Kununu is another site that allows reviewers to rank their employer on a scale of one to five for a variety of things, including diversity, salary, and corporate culture. The site also allows you to filter results based on ratings—so if, for example, you only want to consider highly recommended companies, you can limit your search to organizations that rank four stars or higher. 

7. RateMyEmployer

If you’re job hunting in Canada, RateMyEmployer (which is a division of Canadian company JobWings), could be a helpful resource. Like similar sites, RateMyEmployer uses a five-star ranking system—although RateMyEmployer is particularly detailed, with employees having the option to rank their organization on 20 different elements, including values and corporate culture, engagement, atmosphere, stress, and work organization.

8. TheJobCrowd

TheJobCrowd is a great resource for people in the early stages of their career and targeting a role in the U.K. All reviews include the reviewer’s job title and one-to-five star ranking of the company across different contributing factors, including benefits, company culture, career progression, and overall enjoyment of the role. Employees can also list, from their perspective, the best and worst parts of working for the organization—as well as share insights into salary and tips for potential employees that are interested in interviewing with the company.

9. Comparably 

Comparably, which originally launched as a compensation data and culture platform, has recently added an employee review feature that allows reviewers to grade their employers on a variety of culture-related elements, including CEO rating, gender equity, diversity, and perks and benefits. Employees can also answer questions about their employer, like, “What do you like best about your leadership team?” or “What is the best part of your compensation package?”—as well as share feedback on what, in their opinion, the company could do to improve.

10. Yelp 

Yelp is more widely known as a place for consumers to leave reviews for businesses—and, while Yelp doesn’t officially condone the practice, it’s also become a place where employees do the same. While it may take some digging, depending on the company, you may be able to find employee reviews—which, like consumer reviews, use a five-star rating system and allow reviewers to share personalized feedback on the company.

How to get the most out of employee review sites

Now that you know where to find employee reviews, the question is: How do you use those reviews to support your job search?

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of employee review sites:

  • Don’t base your choices on a single review. Different people can have very different opinions of an organization; while one person may have an outstanding experience with a particular company or manager, another person might think that same company or manager is terrible. That’s why it’s important to read multiple reviews—and, ideally, multiple reviews of people that may have a similar perspective to you (for example, people in a similar role or of the same gender). That way, you can get a more comprehensive understanding of what people are saying about the company and what it might be like to work there, which is significantly more helpful than one person’s glowing or scathing review. 

  • Consider the dates. Just like people, companies can change, so when you’re sorting through reviews, make sure to pay attention to the dates. If a company has negative reviews from years ago, aim to read more recent reviews. Not only will this give you a better idea of what it’s like to work at the company today, but it can also give you insights into how the company has evolved over time.

  • Don’t discount anonymous reviews. You might think that if a job review is anonymous, it might be less trustworthy, but that’s just not the case. While there’s no way to verify the source of anonymous reviews, employees often feel more empowered to speak openly and honestly when their name isn’t attached to a review—particularly if their review includes criticisms or negative feedback. While there are likely a few fake reviews that sneak through a website’s approval process, the majority of anonymous reviews are from real employees—so don’t discount them based on their anonymity.

When you’re evaluating a company or position, you want to arm yourself with as much information as possible, so you make the best decision for yourself and your career. Reading employee reviews will help you get a deeper understanding of what it’s like to work for a company, as well as the potential pros or cons—which can help you better evaluate an opportunity and decide whether it’s one that’s worth pursuing.

What’s your no. 1 piece of advice for how to best use employer and company reviews? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss members!

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