Exploring the Supportive Culture and Groups That Helped Me Successfully Pivot Between Teams

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Love Auset Beverly. Photo courtesy of Computershare.

Love Auset Beverly. Photo courtesy of Computershare.

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July 27, 2024 at 12:31AM UTC

After working at a nonprofit for 15 years, Love Auset Beverly joined the Operations department at Computershare as a Processor. “I was in a very fulfilling entry-level position,” she recalls, “and through hard work and showing up, I was promoted to Senior Transaction Processor after about nine months.” And this was only the beginning of her growth!

Three-and-a-half years into this role, Beverly came to the conclusion that “there was room for me to grow within the company and within myself,” she tells us. Luckily for her, Computershare has built a culture that supports the continued career progression of their employees through plentiful opportunities for internal advancement. “I love the company and didn’t want to leave,” Beverly reflects. “And I knew that there were other departments where I could utilize my talents and be more beneficial to the company.”

For instance, during her nonprofit career, Beverly gained a wealth of knowledge in facilitating classes, so she viewed a transition into the Talent, Learning and Development team as a natural progression. And, in February 2022, this career pivot actualized! Beverly was accepted as a Global Learning and Development Consultant and has been very pleased with the move. “It's been very rewarding, and I'm learning a lot,” she says. In this role, Beverly loves how she’s able to connect with people from all over the world.

Throughout her years at Computershare, Beverly has consistently seen how inclusive and supportive the culture is. “I've not come across anyone that hasn’t wanted to see me succeed or that hasn’t helped me if I ask,” she notes. And, today, Beverly is paying back this support to others through mentorship, participating in Computershare’s Black Leadership and Women4Women resource groups, and more! In this interview, Beverly gives us a closer look at the support available at Computershare and how she’s helping other women accelerate their own careers.

To begin, what makes Computershare such a great and supportive place to work for?

I appreciate the inclusivity within our Employee Resource Groups: the Women4Women Resource Group, Black Leadership Group,  disAbility, Healthy Minds, and Purple Pride. These groups make sure that they're taking care of employees from the inside out. Computershare actually takes the time to ensure that they are working toward being a very supportive and inclusive organization.

Speaking of these resource groups, how does the Black Leadership Group help and support Black professionals working at Computershare?

One thing is the network itself; everyone in the Black Leadership Group is open to communication. I have open communication with members of the group, and everyone is always helpful with providing feedback or giving information. We have our “keeping it real” sessions, which are informal conversations where everybody has an opportunity to speak if they want to. 

We also have a structured program where we hold seminars to learn about topics such as professional development or emotional intelligence. There are even workbooks that have been created for these events, which have an activity I absolutely love — reflecting on your life over the last 10 years and listing the peaks and valleys you’ve had (like your successes, your failures, and what you were going through during those moments).

It was actually this activity that helped me realize that I wanted a career in Talent, Learning, and Development. I originally wanted to go to the Law department, so doing this activity shifted my perspective by helping me discover what skills I had and where they best fit into Computershare.

Members also share career opportunities. So, if there's an internal role, they will definitely reach out to one of us or someone in the group. Another key part of this group is the mentoring program.

Could you tell us more about this mentorship program? And why is it important for employers to offer mentorship programs?

I was personally involved in the Black Leadership Group Mentoring program in 2021. During this experience, my mentor, Kevin Murphy, showed me that I had the necessary skills to advance and should be confident in myself. He helped me with my professional development plan and gave me specific action items, for instance how to rewrite my resume and how to market myself to other departments.

From a company-wide perspective, one of the main benefits of mentorship programs is retention: making sure that you take care of your employees and create a balance for them. Personally, it makes me feel like the company is invested in me and that they want to see me succeed and don't want to see me go to other corporations.

It's important for every organization to have a mentoring program because you want the people that work for you to feel included, valued, and worthy. And, if you have that, there's a connection to the organization. For instance, if I feel that Computershare is investing in me, then I'm going to put more effort into the work that I do for Computershare.

Finally, you’re also a part of the Women4Women Resource Group. Could you tell us more about this group and your role in it?

It’s amazing to spend time with so many successful women, and it’s very inspiring to hear their stories. Although we all don't come from the same life or backgrounds, we’re able to support one another as women in a male-dominated field.

I can reach out to members on Microsoft Teams or via email with a question, and they'll set up time to talk to me. And, just knowing that bridge is there to connect with other members, even if you’re in an entry-level position, makes you feel good knowing that others are accessible and willing to share insight on their careers.

Our Women4Women Resource Group also has a mentoring program where you are paired with a Senior Executive. There are also monthly drop-in workshops with different topics. For instance, there might be a meditation workshop or a financial workshop that helps us learn how to navigate our 401Ks so that, when we retire, we have enough money.

They also provide resources internally and externally on how to navigate the corporate world as a woman and ensure that we have a network and a support system.

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