Fairygodboss of the Week: Beatrice Feliu Espada

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Beatrice Feliu Espada, Founder and CEO of The Honey Pot Company.

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July 27, 2024 at 12:1AM UTC
Beatrice Feliu Espada, Founder and CEO of The Honey Pot Company,  got the idea for her first product in a dream. Little did she know, only four years later, she would have an entire product line. Now, The Honey Pot Company is sold at Target, and Espada is living her dream like never before. 
We talked to the retail talent about how she made her simple idea into a super success. Then, we got her top career tip for women who want to pursue their wildest dreams.
Fairygodboss of the Week: Beatrice Feliu Espada
CEO and founder, The Honey Pot Company
Tell us a little about your career. How did you get to where you are now?
I started off as a pharmacy technician and worked in a variety of positions within the industry —  from compounding to retail. I've also had experience working in the natural foods industry, both at Whole Foods and as a natural foods broker for Rhythm Super Foods. My pathway to becoming the founder and CEO of The Honey Pot Company was a bit unconventional. I have used many of the skills and expertise I learned in my previous positions to help shape the direction of my own company. As for how I launched my company,  I battled a eight month long bout with a feminine issue and was tired of the vicious cycle. I knew I had to find a way to heal myself, and used advice I got in a dream to create a healthy, natural feminine wash that would reverse my symptoms. It worked. And soon thereafter, The Honey Pot Company was born. 
What is an accomplishment that you are proud of?
I am so proud of getting my products in a major retailer in such a short period of time. I went from being a company with one product to a brand with a full product line in less than four years. Also, being approached by Target was truly life changing. The fact that they reached out to us was mind-boggling and humbling at the same time.
What is a challenge that you've faced and overcome?
I had to raise a million dollars to get my inventory ready for our Target launch in 2017. It was truly one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life! Pitching my brand and the vision that I had for The Honey Pot Company to investors was daunting and scary, but a necessary part of getting to the next level. I was so proud that I managed to raise that money and get our products produced in time for our Target launch in April 2017.
Who is YOUR Fairygodboss? and Why?
My Fairygodboss is Kim Paige. She's the COO of Sundial Brands. She's a trailblazer in the world of marketing and consumer packaged goods. She's confident and smart and she's a woman of color who has worked for huge multinational brands. She's a force to be reckoned with.
What do you do when you're not working?
When I'm not working, I am spending time with my family and dogs back in Atlanta. I am also cooking amazing ethnic dishes and vegan food; I love to experiment in the kitchen. I'm listening to top house DJ's spin at some of the top lounges and clubs in Atlanta. And I'm also looking for some good R&R in an exotic locale like Bali or Costa Rica; I love traveling and finding new places to explore.
If you could have dinner with one famous person - dead or alive - who would it be?
I would have dinner with Thom Yorke of Radiohead.
Lightning Round: What is your karaoke song?
 Don't Stop Believing by Journey.
Lightning Round: What is your favorite movie?
Shawshank Redemption. 
Lightning Round: What book would you bring with you on a desert island?
Getting Unstuck by Pema Chobron.
Lightning Round: What is your shopping vice? What would you buy if you won the lottery?
My shopping vice is Free People clothes. If I won the lottery, I would buy a house in Spain, a loft in London, a flat in New York and a cottage in Amsterdam.
What is the #1 career tip you'd like to share with other women who want to have successful careers like you? 
Don't take no for an answer. You will encounter thousands of naysayers that will try their best to convince you that your idea won't work and that you're biting off more than you can chew. Ignore anyone who doesn't uplift you. Always listen to you inner voice and focus on what you desire. Tune out the negative talk. Sometimes this may mean distancing yourself from family and friends. It sounds scary, but it has to happen if you're going to be successful in your endeavor.
Why do you love where you work?
I love working at The Honey Pot Company because it doesn't feel like work. It feels like I am getting to do what I love with people that I love. We are a tight-knit team and we work well together.

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