27 Mansplaining Memes to Send to Your Male Friends

Man Explaining to Woman


AnnaMarie Houlis
AnnaMarie Houlis
July 26, 2024 at 1:16PM UTC
Mansplaining — you've probably heard the word, if not witnessed it before.
"Mansplaining is, at its core, a very specific thing — it's what occurs when a man talks condescendingly to someone (especially a woman) about something he has incomplete knowledge of, with the mistaken assumption that he knows more about it than the person he's talking to does," according to the Merriam Webster dictionary. 
In Rebecca Solnit's 2008 essay "Men Explain Things to Me," now also the title of her 2014 collection of essays, she shares personal, succinct stories all too familiar for females. Since her collection was published, memes have flooded the internet with depictions of mansplaining — mansplaining meme after mansplaining meme cropped up, explaining, well, mansplaining.
If you have a male friend who needs some help understanding (a little role reversal), here are 27 mansplaining memes to share with them — and, of course, with your feminist friends, too.

1. No One Likes a Mansplainer

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2. They're Condescending

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3. Mansplainers Will Try to Mansplain Privilege

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4. They May Even Mansplain Catcalling

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5. A Mansplainer Is Hyper-Confident

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6. Mansplaining Is Often Sarcastic

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7. They'll Make it About Them

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8. They'll Explain Your Own Area of Expertise

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9. Mansplainers Think They're Always Right

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10. They'll Try to Tell You What You're Thinking

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11. No One Asks for Their Explanation

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12. They Think They're Better Than You

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13. They'll Interrupt You

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14. They'll Even Mansplain Mansplaining

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15. Mansplainers Don't Care About Your Level of Education

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16. Mansplainers Need to Be Cut Off

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17. Mansplainers Can Be Overwhelming

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18. Mansplainers Belittle You

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19. Mansplainers Feel Important

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20. They'll Feel Entitled

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21. They'll Repeat You

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22. Sometimes They'll Repeat You in Other Words

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23. Mansplainers Can Be Defensive

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24. There's Even a Chart to Explain Mansplaining

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25. Mansplainers Will Sometimes Use Petnames

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26. They're Always Degrading, Despite How Much You Know

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27. OK, That's Enough

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Looking for More Memes to Send Your Feminist Pals?

AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about women’s empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog, HerReport.org, and follow her journeys on Instagram @her_report, Twitter @herreport and Facebook.

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