The Work From Home Advice You Desperately Need, Based on Your Enneagram Type

The Work From Home Advice You Desperately Need, Based on Your Enneagram Type


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July 27, 2024 at 12:51AM UTC

As most of us have had occasion to learn by now, working from home isn’t always a walk in the park. (Except for when you do literally take a break, after hours/days spent staring into a screen, to mask up and walk in the park… in which case, it’s exactly that.) 

Fine tuning your work-from-home routine takes practice. But by paying attention to what your Enneagram type needs most from remote work scenarios, you might be able to perfect your routine sooner. Here’s the WFH advice you probably desperately need to read, based on your Enneagram type.

1. The Reformer 

Type 1, the Reformer, is the “rational, idealistic type,” according to the Enneagram Institute — and they’re also slight perfectionists. They believe in creating a universe for themselves in which everything has a rhyme and a reason, and they’re incredibly detail-oriented. But they can fall prey to their inner critic at times. If you’re a Reformer, do yourself a favor and ensure that you’re leaving your working space — with color-coded pens and aesthetically pleasing sticky notes, no doubt — in ship shape at the end of the day. It’ll mean getting to start your day on an orderly, calm note the following morning.

2. The Helper 

Type 2, the Helper, is known as the “caring, interpersonal type.” Empathetic, sincere and giving, they want what is best for others, are seen as warm-hearted and friendly, and generally are feelings-based individuals. Because they’re so big-hearted and prone to giving, however, they can also have a difficult time drawing boundaries. As a Helper, your day won’t feel complete without some time spent connecting with colleagues. Schedule Zoom calls to catch up with colleagues throughout the week, and make it be the last part of your work day. It’ll help keep you from working longer than you need to, and you’ll be ending the day on a note you find restorative. 

3. The Achiever  

Type 3, the Achiever (sometimes referred to as the Motivator), is known as the “success-oriented and pragmatic type.” They’re all business, and they love to lead. Achievers are super committed to growing and excelling in their careers, whether at the office or while working from home. As a Type 3, take some time to reflect on the direction you really want your career to be heading in five years’ time — then, find some free professional development webinars and online courses to build into your day. It’ll be a nice break from the work drudgery while still doing something for your career. 

4. The Creative 

Type 4, The Creative (sometimes referred to as the Individualist), is known as the “sensitive and withdrawn type.” They’re major romantics, and they’re always in pursuit of meaningful experiences, including within their careers.  As a Creative, your idealistic and artistic nature is perfectly suited to identifying out-of-the-box opportunities to enrich your professional prospects, including while you’re currently at home. Is there a side hustle you’ve been considering launching? Now might be an ideal time to apply some steam to it.

5. The Investigator

Type 5, the Investigator (sometimes referred to as the Thinker), is known as “the intense and cerebral type.” Honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that we’re currently in the middle of a pandemic and things are, you know, pretty terrifying, there’s a lot about being at home that rather floats your boat. It gives you more time and space in which to be productive, and you’re certainly someone who enjoys the feeling of getting more done. Take advantage of the control you have over your schedule right now to get some new projects started, and be sure to build breaks into your calendar. You don’t want to overdo it, after all. 

6. The Loyalist 

Type 6, the Loyalist (sometimes referred to as the Skeptic), is known as the “committed and security-oriented type.” You are trustworthy, loyal and know how to work hard. Excellent 'troubleshooters,' you foresee problems and foster cooperation.Your keen perceptiveness and desire to do well can also at times give way to anxiety and stress, however — two things that are difficult to avoid at the moment, all things considered. Try peppering in some acts of micro self-care throughout your work day, and don’t hesitate to just log off and tune the world out when you really need to.

7. The Enthusiast

Type 7, the Enthusiast (sometimes referred to as the Generalist), is known as the “extroverted and spontaneous type.” You are fueled by new experiences, genuine idealism and a zest for living, and you believe in getting the most out of every situation. Enthusiasts love maximizing their calendars and get plenty of joy out of identifying their next adventure. As a Type 7, the stillness that this new normal has forced upon us has likely been difficult for you, but there are also things you can learn from it and new perspectives to be gained. Try starting your work day by meditating, ensuring a clear head space, and end the day with a virtual happy hour or trivia night with colleagues and friends. 

8. The Challenger

Type 8, the Challenger (sometimes referred to as the Leader), is known as the “powerful and dominating type.” You are self-confident, assertive, straight-talking and decisive, and you find competition to be motivating. You also have no qualms with taking charge, though sometimes your need for control can become a little overbearing. Your resourceful, can-do attitude is perfect for making the best of a bad situation, though, and it’s likely to be appreciated by your boss at this moment. If you’re up for it, let your manager know that you’re open to new tasks and projects while working from home, and if there’s a raise or promotion you’ve been intending to ask for, don’t let current circumstances stop you. 

9. The Peacemaker

Type 9, the Peacemaker, is known as the “easygoing and self-effacing type.” As a Peacemaker, you’re all about going with the flow, including when it comes to your career, and you value harmony and collaboration above all else. Unfortunately, given current circumstances, it’s a little difficult for things to feel as smooth and stable as you generally prefer them to — but your creative and optimistic nature will figure out a way to persevere. Try cultivating a sense of some peace, at least, while working from home by making sure your setup is as comfortable and soothing as possible. And if that means putting a locked door between you and family members or roommates, go for it.

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