Altercations at work can be tricky to navigate. And when two coworkers aren’t getting along, the entire office can be affected. While you definitely want to resolve the issue, you need to address it without accidentally making things worse.
One FGB’er wrote to our Community to ask how she should handle a snide remark about her astrological sign by her colleague.
But despite the perhaps silly concern of this perfectionist, the FGB community responded to her inquiry.
“As a "two-faced" Gemini I can relate to the hate!,” one woman wrote. “I'd give her the benefit of the doubt unless she brings up additional judgements on your management style.”
“Wait until the emotional Cancer in me randomly starts crying at work one day.... then I can use my sign as an excuse!”
“I'm a Virgo - and proud of it! We Virgos do have a very distinctive personality. I wouldn't take it personally. You do you! As I tell my daughter, you CANNOT worry about what other people think.”
Another wrote, “Well I'm a Virgo too, and what she implied is that you are a well-organized mind that is more than willing to take on the hard work that many others couldn't manage successfully … Be proud of being a Virgo; I am!!”
If you do feel the need to confront her again, do so in private, and without making any assumptions as to why she acted the way she did. Remain calm, friendly, and simply inquisitive as to the logic behind her remark. Tell her how it made you feel and how it may have affected you, the meeting, and the overall environment at work. If the coworker’s behavior persists, follow your company’s guidelines in reporting the incidents to your HR department.
Whether you’re messy, organized, laid back, or controlling, you deserve respect in the workplace (regardless of your astrological sign!).