Employee Reviews
(Winged ratings measure job satisfaction on scale of 1 to 5)

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson, United States on Jul 13th, 2022
"On its face, McKesson is a great company. However, this does depend heavily on your direct supervisor. All of mine were wonderful, however, I knew of some that were not so great. Further up the ladder, they are more short sighted, more corporate. It is not a BAD place to be, but there are better places. Benefits are not that great for a Fortune 5 company, medical is expensive and high deductibles. 401k is good. PTO is ok, but takes a while to move up the PTO ladder (first increase is usually 5 years in) "
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Improve my compensation"
Position or Department
Csr, Customer Service
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
"No / Unsure"
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Pension, Health care
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson, United States on Feb 28th, 2022
"Women are not promoted to leadership often. There are a few women in leadership and recently there have been more, but not a lot of diverse candidates. "
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Promote more women into leadership positions"
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
"No / Unsure"
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Pension, Health care
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson, United States on Aug 2nd, 2021
"Great place for women to grow their career and be recognized. "
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Not much; it's a great place to work"
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Hours, Culture, Policies
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
12 Weeks Paid | 0 Weeks Unpaid
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Parental leave, Pension, Childcare, Health care
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson, United States on Dec 11th, 2020
"In my 19 years at this company, I have never once thought that my being a woman had any impact on whether I got promoted, how much money I made, or anything else. The company promotes diversity."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Not much; it's a great place to work"
Position or Department
Principle Product Manager, Strategy & Business Development
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Hours, Culture, Policies
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
6 Weeks Paid | 52 Weeks Unpaid
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Parental leave, Fertility, Pension, Childcare, Health care
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson, United States on Nov 29th, 2019
"Decent maternity leave - 6 weeks STD followed by 6 weeks of bonding leave at 100% pay. Well equipped mothers rooms in all offices. Mostly flexible and understanding managers as long as you try to maintain strong performance."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Promote more women into leadership positions"
Level of Flexibility
"Comes down to your manager. Mine is a former consultant and has high expectations. Most managers are very flexible."
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Hours, Policies, Culture
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
6 Weeks Paid | 0 Weeks Unpaid
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
"Generally supportive but keeps bringing up that I took leave every time I ask for a promotion even though I was told I qualify for the next level when I was brought on board about a year and a half ago. He realizes I might leave so now finally starting to give me more challenging projects to be able to promote me."
Which benefits are offered?
Parental leave, Health care, Pension
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson, United States on Jul 23rd, 2019
"in a professional capacity, there is work life balance, generous PTO and holiday, generous parental leave and STD policy and package."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing McKesson can improve?
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Hours, Policies, Culture
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
6 Weeks Paid | 6 Weeks Unpaid
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Parental leave, Health care, Pension, Fertility
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Dec 28th, 2018
"You need to ask for what you want and deserve and learn from other seasoned women."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Improve my compensation"
Position or Department
Account Manager, Sales
Level of Flexibility
"The flexibility is what has kept me here for so long. It allows me to care for my kids and take and pick them up from school, enjoy their after school events, etc."
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Culture, Hours
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Nov 7th, 2018
"Overall McKesson is a great place to work for women."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing McKesson can improve?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Policies, Culture, Hours
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Aug 28th, 2018
"If you have a good manager, your work life balance can be great. Remote work seems to be getting more unpopular, which is disappointing."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Culture, Hours
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Oct 10th, 2017
"Don't let them take your days off, weekends, and evenings away from you. "
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Level of Flexibility
"It depends on the boss."
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Policies, Hours
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Sep 20th, 2017
"Know what you are signing up for and be aware that holidays are a requirement to work."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Improve my compensation"
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Sep 15th, 2017
"Lots of great opportunities and a decent amount of advancement is available depending on the type of work you want to do. "
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Policies, Culture, Hours
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Sep 11th, 2017
"30 percent of the executives are women, yes, but that number dwindles significantly when you view middle management "
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Position or Department
Account Manager, Sales
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Culture, Hours
Did you take Maternity leave?
6 Weeks Paid | 2 Weeks Unpaid
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Nov 23rd, 2016
"It really depends on your job type and how flexible your manager will be. Good company with good benefits. Need more diversity in management and CEO is way over compensated."
Are women & men treated equally?
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Promote more women into leadership positions"
Position or Department
Account Executive
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Aug 2nd, 2016
"For my position, salary much higher here than other companies. "
Are women & men treated equally?
One thing McKesson can improve?
"Improve my benefits (e.g. medical, maternity)"
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Did you take Maternity leave?
"It's rumored that they're improving the policy to be 12 weeks paid leave in January 2017 but I don't know for sure."
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Mar 21st, 2016
"I've worked here for more than 5 years and have seen men regularly get tagged as high performers and given good projects/promotions when they're not really doing the work (they're relying on others for ideas and because they golf or go to the gym with the exec, they present it as their own). Unless you are a really outspoken woman, you may find it a challenging environment to succeed in. It's very old school, old boys network. Many of the really smart women have left."
Are women & men treated equally?
Position or Department
Communications Director
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Mar 21st, 2016
"Many women here are pregnant or have children. I have heard the maternity leave is pretty good, but need more information about if. There are a few opportunities to move up, but you have to be proactive about it and willing to go above and beyond. Most of the higher ups are women in my department."
Are women & men treated equally?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Mar 21st, 2016
"Upper management is dominated by males -- and they are the same ones year after year, they just shuffle around. Overall, the environment is friendly and flexible, which is very valuable."
Are women & men treated equally?
Position or Department
Information Technology
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Mar 21st, 2016
"You must be ready to prove who you are."
Are women & men treated equally?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
8 Weeks Paid | 0 Weeks Unpaid
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Mar 21st, 2016
"The pay is extremely low for the amount of work that you will need to put in. Everyone has their own individual jobs that contribute to others so you're solely responsible for any mistakes which can be pretty nerve wracking. The flex time and paid vacation time is absolutely amazing, which despite the pay, makes this an awesome place to work!"
Are women & men treated equally?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of McKesson on Mar 21st, 2016
"Work-life balance is good. Talent development is just so so. Pay is below market."
Are women & men treated equally?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend McKesson to other women?
Want to submit a response?