Employee Reviews
(Winged ratings measure job satisfaction on scale of 1 to 5)

Anonymous shared this review of Pottery Barn, United States on Jan 17th, 2023
"From what I can tell, there is a great team at our location. Supportive relationships working together to get things done."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing Pottery Barn can improve?
"Improve my compensation"
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Hours, Culture, Policies
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
"No / Unsure"
Would you recommend Pottery Barn to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Pension, Health care
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Anonymous shared this review of Pottery Barn on Mar 27th, 2019
"Company utilizes ex-felons for assistance moving furniture etc and this is a cause for concern without proper training."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing Pottery Barn can improve?
"Not much; it's a great place to work"
Position or Department
Design Coordinator, Textiles, Product
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Pottery Barn to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of Pottery Barn on Mar 21st, 2016
"I worked for the company for 5 years, I was lucky to be able to switch to other division after 2,5 years within the company. Although the company creates beautiful product and beautifully merchandise it in stores, website and catalogs,atmosphere at the corporate office is nothing like the Pottery Barn soothing catalog images or cozy retail stores. All the decision making is made by handful of people and as a result there is very little openness to new ideas. Despite great talent on board, only handful of ideas are actually put into action. There is a lack of development or investment in talent growth. It's a great place for somebody who likes little change and likes to execute same tasks over and over. Yet, once you achieve mid to high management position you are expected to work above and beyond, including responding to e-mails and txt messages in late evenings and weekends. It's a female dominated company and while maternity leave is generous; advancement opportunities are too rare."
Are women & men treated equally?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Pottery Barn to other women?
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