I have been in my current role for about 4 years and over 10 years with my current employer. I am very good at my current job, which is facilities coordinator with some AR, AP and some dispatching all rolled into one, but I have no education, I am in school and in the process of finishing my associates degree. What can I do to stand out more from other applicants? I am 29, and I am ready to take my career to the next level and tackle new challenges, but I think that being with my employer for so long is now hindering me. I've been applying for administrative roles, data entry, accounts payable/receivable, dispatching positions. Maybe it's my resume, I have two different formats that I use but I was wondering if anyone has thoughts on resume writers? Are they worth it? Has anyone used one before?
I'm obviously biased in answering this, but I will make sure to say the reasoning behind my answers! I hope others will chime in to your question about using a resume writer.
There is potentially a way around using a resume writer- job search networking. If people who know you and respect you are willing to introduce you to those with possible hiring power, and you can get informational interviews or phone conversations it is a way to win others over without the piece of paper. When my team and I write a resume/LI profile for a client, the important part is not what we put on paper (that matters) but the way we make sure you are marketable is in what information I draw out. It's possible that you would feel more "confident" if you worked with someone to understand why and how you are qualified and have a piece of paper that is the physical evidence of that. Often the LI profile or resume is what helps you get those networking phone calls or informational interviews. I hope that helps!