This Company Respects The Fact That It’s Not Always A 9-5 Job

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Sponsored by CVS Health

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Adobe Stock / .shock

July 27, 2024 at 1:4AM UTC
It comes as no surprise that work-life balance — or a lack thereof — can have a pretty major impact on women’s health. After all, feeling constantly torn between juggling work duties and family ones can lead to no shortage of severe stress, something that affects U.S. women at nearly twice the rate it affects men and has been proven to lead to a multitude of health issues.
That’s why it’s all the more important that CVS Health is practicing what they preach by making a healthy work-life balance actually attainable to their employees. Even better? They’re prepared to make this same quality of life available to even more women through the expansion of their PBM Process and Product teams, a rapidly growing division within the company that currently has several open positions.
Leading this major hiring initiative is the head of PBM Product & Process Innovation, Casey Leonetti. Formerly a strategy consultant at Boston Consulting Group, Leonetti said she was initially drawn to CVS Health by the impact she could generate in bringing strategies to fruition. What really wound up impressing her, though, was the company culture that encouraged her to devote time to things like dining with her husband and working out.
“I run as often as I can, and I try to make it to the gym as often as I can,” she said. “At the end of the day, I take Pilates classes and then have dinner with my husband. One of the things I've enjoyed about leaving consulting is that I don't travel nearly as much and have dinner with my husband more frequently.”
This same sentiment was echoed by one of Leonetti’s colleagues, Will Cavers, who in addition to being an Analytic Consulting Services manager also coaches a boys’ varsity soccer team.
People are pretty respectful of the fact that it’s not always a 9-to-5 job,” Cavers explained. “Time is flexible during the fall when I coach the boys. I usually get to leave a little bit early, and then I’ll jump back online later. It’s all about work-life balance."
Outside of making more time for relationships in her personal life, Leonetti added she’s also been able to cultivate lasting friendships within the office, too, and that her closeness with her PBM colleagues has amounted to a higher quality output from her team.
“I've been to the wedding of one of my team members; I've taken a weekend trip with another one of my team members,” she said. “We also lean on each other professionally to get us through challenges and to help make us better.”
But as close as a team itself may be, Fairygodboss has found time and time again through research based on user-generated data that it’s truly a team’s leadership that makes all the difference in reported levels of job satisfaction. Thankfully, Leonetti says that higher management within CVS Health fosters a healthy work-life balance, too, as well as maintaining a vested interest in employees’ ability to pursue individual goals. 
“I have come to a company where I have a boss that cares about me and my team, the work that we’re able to do, and our career growth in a way that I’ve never seen before, even among the very best professional services firms,” she said. “I don’t think there’s any place where we are paralleled on the amount of impact and opportunity that this team and career path offers.”
Interested in joining a company that practices good health as well as preaching it? Check out CVS Health’s available strategic management consultant positions, including several openings based in IllinoisArizonaTexas, and more! 



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