This Company Has A Startup’s Freedom With Corporate Perks (+ Women Love It)


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July 27, 2024 at 12:51AM UTC
Raakhee Mirchandani has a seriously awesome job. While she’s a senior content development editor at Dow Jones — the company that publishes The Wall Street Journal and Barron’s, among other publications — she also serves as the editor-in-chief of, another Dow Jones media brand that functions as a startup within the legacy organization. 
“We are very lucky to be a startup within a legacy organization like Dow Jones,” she explains. That’s because her team, which is small yet nimble, is able to take advantage of the resources that its parent organization has to offer, like editors and sales and social teams with tons of experience and knowledge. 
Mirchandani has been with Dow Jones for just under a year, but it didn’t take her long to become a huge fan the company — and we’re not surprised. While her job is no doubt demanding, Mirchandani says that Dow Jones is an incredibly supportive place to work, thanks to some killer perks and flexibility policies, as well as an invigorating company culture that values all the right things.

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One of the values that’s been most crucial to Mirchandani’s work experience is Dow Jones’ commitment to supporting people as a whole, and not just their function at work. She says that one day, in particular, has really crystallized what she loves about Dow Jones. The company organized a “Take Your Parents To Work Day” (yes, parents) — and Mirchandani recalls how special it was for her parents to be able to see her not just as their daughter, but as a skilled professional in her groove at work (her mom may have cried). 
For them “to see the brand I work on on the big screen… it was a really proud moment for them, and it was important for me in connecting to my company and understanding that Dow Jones cares about all the parts of me,” she explains. 
As the mother of a toddler, Mirchandani feels particularly fortunate to work for an employer that’s family-friendly. “Flexibility is not even something we talk about; it’s just understood,” she says. 
Can you say the same about your company?
“We all work very hard, but it’s understood that there are lives we have beyond the office — and that’s just fine,” Mirchandani adds. She drops her daughter off at school every single morning, sometimes works remotely for part of the day, and has the flexibility to block off an hour-and-a-half in her calendar for her daughter’s daycare graduation. 
As she puts it, working at Dow Jones gives you time to fulfil the other roles that you play in life: “I’m a mom, I’m a gym-goer, and I’m able to be all of those things.” 
She’s also a go-getter who’s been taking full advantage of some of the amazing programs and resources that Dow Jones offers, like Women@DJ — a women’s group that hosts a speaker series, “lunch and learn” events, and opportunities to network not only with other Dow Jones employees, but also with other media peers in the area.  
Women@DJ has also been a valuable resources to Ciara Pettaway, who, after being hired as an executive assistant at Dow Jones just two years ago, has already been promoted to her current role as an executive business manager. She says the group has linked her with like-minded women who form meaningful connections and partner with each other “to be and do better.”  
Like Mirchandani, Pettaway suggests that Women@DJ reflects the overall awesome culture that Dow Jones has developed, specifically surrounding employee growth. In fact, she says the reason she believes her company is such a wonderful place for women to work is “because of its desire to see and help all people excel.” She explains that “at Dow Jones, you are constantly challenged to be better and to not conform to a comfortable status quo.  There are great role models, both male and female, that assist in cultivating and nurturing skills, challenging you, and helping to develop your craft.”
Great leaders may be hard to find in far too many workplaces, but Dow Jones has made a habit out of hiring and developing exceptional leaders who pay it forward. “The room for growth at this company is to be commended,” Ciara explains. “When you have leaders who truly wish to see you improve, it makes you want to work harder, which increases productivity. [Dow Jones] has awakened the sleeping giant within me and has given me the power and tools to succeed.”  
Other Fairygodboss users agree: one reports that “there are many opportunities for growth” at the company, while another says that “Dow Jones is a great place to work, and there are women at the highest levels of the company, including in the C-Suite.” One employee says that  “there are lots of opportunities for women to grow in their careers and opportunities are equal, lots of women in executives positions,” and yet another writes that “there are many women in executive positions and they do a lot for women coming up in the ranks to train for the next job.” 
Mirchandani certainly agrees. “This is an office where you can see women at super high levels, and to me, that speaks volumes about the company.” 
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