What You Can Do in One Minute To Empower Women in the Workplace

boggy / Adobe Stock

woman on laptop

boggy / Adobe Stock

Updated: 4/25/2018
Anytime you change jobs, there’s a lot at stake. Beyond considering whether the role will be a good fit, there are (way too many) important questions to consider: what’s the culture like? Will you be judged for leaving at 6 p.m.? Can you occasionally work from home? And will you make as much money as men at the company?
We’ve all played the guessing game before, and felt extremely lucky — or terribly unlucky — a few months into a new role. But your job satisfaction shouldn’t hinge on luck, and fortunately, it no longer has to. Fairygodboss, the leading career community for women, by women, takes the guesswork out of the job search equation.
The site, founded in 2015 by former Dow Jones execs Georgene Huang and Romy Newman, provides women with a space to anonymously review their work experiences — specifically detailing their company’s culture, whether they believe their CEO supports gender diversity, what kind of parental leave benefits they have, how much they get paid, and whether their company is an overall supportive place for women to work.
By crowdsourcing information about how companies treat women, Fairygodboss equips female job seekers with the intel they need to make informed career decisions.
The best part? Whether or not you’re currently job searching, you can empower women in just one minute. Here’s how: visit Fairygodboss and leave a free, anonymous review about your job — or places you’ve worked in the past. By sharing your experience, you’ll help women everywhere.
Women who work at ADP, for instance, have written on Fairygodboss:

"I have been able to make more money, have more flexibility, and grow more as a person at ADP than I have at any other employer."

"I've been promoted three times in six years - there is definitely opportunity here! My work is challenging, rewarding, and fun. And, I feel that ADP has valued my contributions since day one. 5 stars!"

Join the movement, and be a Fairygodboss! Review your work experience — and get the inside scoop on how women feel about their jobs and companies — today!

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