"Throughout my career, I have had to work on weekends and holidays — and, at times, even on vacation," says Jesse Harrison, founder and CEO of California Employee Rights Legal Group. "For me, being the owner of a small business that is involved in law and client representation, there is almost no time that I can be cut off from everyone. I do not have the option to leave my work at my office — my clients have my phone number and I'm available around the clock to give legal help. If there are any developments in a case, I have an ethical duty to report such to my clients. It's more than just the nature of the work for me; this is rooted in my dedication to my clients and it's always been a part of my
personality to go above and beyond what some might consider the standard duty expected of them. As such, I have learned to accept that working on the weekends happens sometimes, and it allows me to continue growing my business as I've done for some time. Further, when I have to go in to the office on a weekend, I find the atmosphere more calming and relaxing; I can get more done because there is virtually no hustle and bustle, no distractions, no phones ringing except my own. I've needed to go prepare cases for trial and gather all sorts of documents to be mailed out, and coming in to the office on weekends makes it a simple task
on Monday. There is no rush and I can be
confident that nothing is missing.
"On the other hand, I believe some workers should always establish boundaries on working weekends. Constantly being asked to come in for
overtime can be draining, especially if the amount of work can be completed during the week. Many of my employees are in the office for nine hours a day, and I understand how important it is for them to go home, recharge, participate in their hobbies, and spend time with their friends and families."
"My work spills over on the weekends due to the fact that part of my job is managing social media," says Alexandra Donlin, a
marketing assistant. "Since social media doesn't turn off on the weekends, that means I'm posting on Saturdays and Sundays. This is totally fine with me because I love my job! It's also a very minimal part of my weekend, so I still have plenty of time to decompress and 'unplug.' I do also answer any urgent and important emails on weekends because I want to maintain a good relationship with my clients. If they need something done ASAP, I'll get it done."
10. It can be tamer.
"I work for myself as a freelance writer and blogger," says Tracer Kaler. "I often work on weekends because my inbox isn't flooded and I tend to take a break from social media so I can get writing projects finished. I don't love it, but I don't mind it so much either since I work for myself. I would not want to work weekends for anyone else!"
AnnaMarie Houlis is a multimedia journalist and an adventure aficionado with a keen cultural curiosity and an affinity for solo travel. She's an editor by day and a travel blogger at HerReport.org by night.