Employee Reviews
(Winged ratings measure job satisfaction on scale of 1 to 5)

Anonymous shared this review of Xanterra Travel Collection, United States on Jul 10th, 2019
"Stay Away!! Xanterra only cares about the bottom line - not about its guests and especially not its employees. Don't expect to have equipment that works or is practical for the job that needs to be done. "
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing Xanterra Travel Collection can improve?
"Improve my compensation"
Position or Department
Prefer Not To Say, Customer Service
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
"No / Unsure"
Would you recommend Xanterra Travel Collection to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Parental leave, Health care, Pension
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Anonymous shared this review of Xanterra Travel Collection, United States on Jul 10th, 2019
"Don't work here! There is absolute zero concern for either frontline employees or guests. Xanterra is 100 percent revenue-centric - focused on lining the pockets of a select few directors and a general manager who isn't fit to run an outhouse. Upper management and directors all now at the GM's feet - there is no reciurse for her horrible policies. The Rooms Department in particular is a joke- the director jas ABSOLUTE ZERO regard for guests or employees- the only thing she cares about is making herself look good to the GM and corporate. "
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing Xanterra Travel Collection can improve?
"Improve my compensation"
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
"No / Unsure"
Would you recommend Xanterra Travel Collection to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Parental leave, Health care, Pension
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of Xanterra Travel Collection on Apr 27th, 2017
"My experiences stem for working for Xanterra in Yellowstone, and may vary greatly from their other locations. However, Watchdog also recently uncovered a wealth of information about sexual harassment at Xanterra at the Grand Canyon. From a lack of locks on bedroom doors, security personal continuously inviting female employees over to 'watch movies' even after they previously declined, and the presence of overt sexism and homophobia, Xanterra is not a moral nor ethical company in my opinion. Several online communities have been created specifically for past employees to voice their complaints and post warnings about rampant misogyny and bigotry at this company, including rape accusations. I do not have information regarding corporate Xanterra, but for entry-level workers living and working within a National Park, I would push another woman to seek out a different employer."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing Xanterra Travel Collection can improve?
Position or Department
Reservations And Sales, Customer Service
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Xanterra Travel Collection to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of Xanterra Travel Collection on Mar 21st, 2016
"Men are in 90% of the upper management/director positions, and there's very little encouragement or developing the skills and talents and abilities of female employees. Men are able to work their way up from the bottom with little to no outside experience or education, but women have to have years of experience in the outside world and a degree in the field to be hired into an upper management position. Also, maternity leave is a joke, especially if your partner also works for the company (which, in a company town, they almost certainly do)."
Are women & men treated equally?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Xanterra Travel Collection to other women?
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