I'm in the final stages of possibly landing a job at a phenomenal company out of state, in an area I'd love to move to. My SO and I would rent out there but we need to sell our house first. His job is flexible so no issue there and we don't have kids. Luckily we live in a desirable area where the houses…
Here are a things to keep in mind:
1. Doubt doesn’t make you an imposter, it makes you human.
2. You’re never going to know everything - no one does. …
Since then, I’ve been actively applying for jobs but rarely hear back. When asked why I’m looking for a new job in interviews, I haven’t always been sincere, giving different reasons. Recently, I decided to be upfront and told an interviewer that I was made redundant. But their response thre…
How do you deal with the catty "doubting Thomas" coworker?
We work in an environment where we HAVE to work closely together. There is no ignoring, avoiding or keeping my distance. Some of my guy friends in other…
I keep seeing the same job postings on Linkedin, Simplyhired, & Indeed. I need to get out of my job within the next month ASAP b/c my Supervisor is repeating the same behavior from last year where she takes extended leave EVERYTIME she has a family event that comes up & she says sh…
I need advice on an ongoing situation at my job which seems to be getting worse. Background: I am a 67 year old female working part time (30 hours) at a restaurant/gift shop. Been there 4 years.
About two months ago they hired a man…
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Thank you all and I'm salary rather than a contract role. I've been at the company going on three years. While there's been challenging circumstances throughout my time here, this stance I'm not sure what to do especially in a difficult job market.
In this area, a lot of staff are married and have children. They don't want to 'volunteer' their time at night or on weekends preferring to spend time with their families. In addition, if they are wiling to work at night, they wanted to come in later to compensate for that time. Working until 10 /11 PM and then having to come in by 8 AM, I can't blame them. When I asked about this option, HR doesn't want the events to interfere with their regular work .
In terms of my own situation, I feel like I'm being set up to fail. If I don't accept the new direction, they'll find someone else and probably cheaper in this economy. If I attempt this scenario, I can't keep it up long term and working late every night and on top of regular 8 AM-6 PM role with an added hour drive both ways, I know it's not going to work. I'm going to start looking for a new role but is there anything l can do in the meantime?
Nope, not without the pay increase. Nope, nope, nope.