Employee Reviews
(Winged ratings measure job satisfaction on scale of 1 to 5)

Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems, United States on Aug 25th, 2021
"Great place to work but there is a hierarchy. Watch out for the "lifers""
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing Epic Systems can improve?
"Improve my compensation"
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Hours, Culture, Policies
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
"No / Unsure"
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Pension, Health care
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems, United States on Aug 19th, 2021
"It's a tech company so definitely more men than women, but that has never affected how my ideas and suggestions are taken nor the potential for promotions"
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing Epic Systems can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Level of Flexibility
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
10 Weeks Paid | 10 Weeks Unpaid
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Parental leave, Pension, Health care
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems, United States on Jun 11th, 2019
"I'm so proud to be working for a company that was started by and is still run by a female! A female software developer, in fact. "
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing Epic Systems can improve?
"Not much; it's a great place to work"
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Hours, Policies, Culture
Is paid parental leave offered, and if so, how much?
2 Weeks Paid | 12 Weeks Unpaid
"After 12 weeks of leave, you can also come back part-time for an additional 12 weeks, either at 20 hours/week or 30 hours/week."
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
How supportive is your manager?
Which benefits are offered?
Parental leave, Health care, Childcare, Pension
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Feb 18th, 2019
"Your experience will likely depend on the role. There is a shortage of women in technical roles for sure, but overall the culture is supportive, in my experience."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing Epic Systems can improve?
"Not much; it's a great place to work"
Position or Department
Technical Services, IT
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Nov 8th, 2018
"The company is run by Judy Faulkner, so it is pretty good about gender equality. But Judy is a workaholic and kind of expects everyone else there to be workaholics too."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing Epic Systems can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Position or Department
User Experience And Quality Assurance Analyst, Research & Development
Recent Salary
Level of Flexibility
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Jun 28th, 2017
"Your hours and experience at the company are very dependent on your customers."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing Epic Systems can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Position or Department
Implementation Project Manager, Customer Service
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on May 10th, 2017
"The sexism I experience is industry wide and often times subconscious. There's nothing in particular that makes my company worse than others, but they don't do much to education/reduce sexism as a company and have "industry-standard" policies related to family (leave, hours, etc.)."
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
One thing Epic Systems can improve?
"Improve my benefits (e.g. medical, maternity)"
Position or Department
Technical Services, IT
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Did you take Maternity leave?
0 Weeks Paid | 12 Weeks Unpaid
"Industry-standard leave"
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Apr 17th, 2017
"Epic treats men and women equally; however, the job is demanding for those trying to maintain a healthy work-life balance; my hours have ranged from 60-80 hours a week and includes travel 50-75% of the time.
The CEO is a woman who has built the company from the ground up, which is very inspiring, but at the same time the company does not provide any additional family leave outside of what is required by FMLA. "
Are women & men treated equally?
Does the CEO support gender diversity?
"Not sure"
One thing Epic Systems can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Level of Flexibility
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Jan 25th, 2017
"Health insurance here is incredible; the pay is very good considering local cost of living. "
Are women & men treated equally?
One thing Epic Systems can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
6 Weeks Paid | 0 Weeks Unpaid
"Only paid through short term disability. "
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Oct 10th, 2016
"It's a good job until you want a family. With the lack of any paid maternity/paternity leave, and poor work life balance, it's simply not a good job for anyone not fresh out of college."
Are women & men treated equally?
One thing Epic Systems can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Jul 21st, 2016
"The people and environment are great, but whne it comes to family policies, they are not helpful. "
Are women & men treated equally?
One thing Epic Systems can improve?
"Improve my benefits (e.g. medical, maternity)"
Position or Department
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Work-Life Friendly Attributes:
Culture, Hours
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on May 5th, 2016
"Your experience will vary greatly by role. In the training division, there were blind eyes to gender bias in leadership opportunities and training evaluations. But the two larger challenges are the poor upper-management project planning (resulting in unrealistic deadlines that required 70 and 80 hour weeks) and a lack of flexibility (requests from trainers to job-share or go part time were denied supposedly because the company would then have to make those options available to all employees). Go in with your eyes open to the possibility of burnout and negotiate your compensation at the outset (salary and vacation days - even if your recruiter says they don't negotiate), because the systems for raises are pretty inflexible later on. "
Are women & men treated equally?
One thing Epic Systems can improve?
"Improve work-life balance and policies (e.g. flex-time, limit face time)"
Position or Department
Trainer, Training
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Mar 21st, 2016
"You get a chance to learn a lot and are given a lot of responsibility"
Are women & men treated equally?
Position or Department
Technical Services
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Mar 21st, 2016
"It's a great place to start a career but not even close to giving work/life balance because of the amount of hours and travel."
Are women & men treated equally?
Position or Department
Project Manager, Implementation
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Mar 21st, 2016
"I worked here for 10 years. It's a great place to learn and grow, but if you aren't put on the "team lead" (aka lower management) track - there is no opportunity for advancement. As time goes on, more is expected of you but you are rewarded less and less - lower raises and lower bonuses with each year, after about the 4 year mark.
Epic does not value experience or efficiency. Instead, it places a high value on hours logged and involvement in high profile projects. Inexperienced team leaders need something easy to point to - hours logged and your project list are the two easiest things to look at. So, if you're not working 60+hrs/wk and if you're not working on a shiny, exciting project, your value is not recognized. And that means you do not grow your salary or bonuses."
Are women & men treated equally?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
0 Weeks Paid | 12 Weeks Unpaid
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Mar 21st, 2016
"I have worked here for more than 9 years and there are many women in a variety of roles. Even though the CEO is a woman, at the top levels it is still a bit of a "bro" culture. FAR less than other places I have worked, but not ideal.
After having a child, there is some support (like nursing rooms and the option of coming back part time for 12 weeks) but mostly you are expected to jump back in and be treated like everyone else. I think this is okay, but you should know that is the expectation. A big negative, during your maternity leave they force you to completely drain your sick leave (not PTO) before taking time off unpaid. It left me (and every other mother here since that became the policy) with zero sick days. with a new child that is going to get sick."
Are women & men treated equally?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
0 Weeks Paid | 12 Weeks Unpaid
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
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Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Mar 21st, 2016
"No childcare"
Are women & men treated equally?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
0 Weeks Paid | 12 Weeks Unpaid
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
Want to submit a response?

Anonymous shared this review of Epic Systems on Mar 21st, 2016
"Newer, still learning how things are."
Are women & men treated equally?
Recent Salary
Recent Bonus
Did you take Maternity leave?
Would you recommend Epic Systems to other women?
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